Somebody Photoshopped A Picture Of The Holy Kaaba And It Is Going Viral On The Internet!

Muslims all over the world get ecstatic at the sight of Holy Kaaba, or Masjid-Al-Haram, which is situated in Makkah. The center-point of Islam for centuries, has developed and turned into a hub where millions of Muslims gather annually and periodically, to perform Umra and Hajj.

There was once a time, when the Holy Kaaba had no properties, huge buildings, five-star hotels or any other such monuments around it. It was a simple place, with simple times, people only gathering for the sake of Allah and His House, nothing else.


Not everybody is lucky enough to visit the Holy Kaabah, and most just glance at its pictures, and breathe sighs of relief, which come from within. A good picture posted on Twitter usually gets minimum attention, but one picture in a tweet went viral on the internet recently. The reason? It was photoshopped. Here’s the story:

Somebody on Twitter photoshopped the towers and buildings behind Haram Sharif, as seen in the picture. Only the simple Kaabah Sharif was left, in all its beauty, with no modern structure behind it. It brought a sense and image of the old days, and people loved it a little too much. The tweet has been shared over 17,000 times with almost 37000 likes on it.

People, however, had different opinions on the picture. Some thought it was just how things should have remained, but others think it is the need of hour to make a skyline in Makkah, with hotels and towers. This is how people reacted:

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