This Is What Islam And Hadiths Say About Ghazwa e Hind!

Hadiths About Ghazwa e Hind

Pakistan and India, the nations which were emancipated from British rule in 1947 have been at war ever since then. Pakistan was made on the Islamic ideology. Moreover, the Hadiths of Ghazwa e Hind that are made by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) are somehow linked to the rifts between Pakistan and India.

Pakistan has Islamic laws and its constitution is made as per Islamic teachings. Moreover, the country has fought four wars with its neighbor India. Besides, the world, the United Nations and other peacekeeping organizations have failed to maintain peace between the two countries.

Pakistan has destroyed Indian Airforce war plane

Source: BBC

The history of Kashmir is the reason for the ever-growing tensions between India and Pakistan. Additionally, both countries possess nuclear capabilities, taking the whole world on the verge of a catastrophe.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had prophesized a great battle (Ghazwa-e-Hind) between India and Pakistan or believers and non-believers centuries ago. Furthermore, these writings of Prophet Muhammad portray South Asia as the battlefield.

Here is the list of Ghazwa-e-Hind hadith

List Of Hadiths About Ghazwa e Hind

The Primary ‘Hadith’

This Hadith regarding Ghazwa-e-Hind is narrated by Hazrat Subban (R.A.) states:

Two groups amongst my Ummah would be whom Allah has freed from fire; one group would fight against India & the Second would be that who would accompany Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.)”. 

It has been also quoted by Imam Ahmad (R.A) in ‘Musnad’ and Imam Nisai (R.A) in his ‘Musnad’. Besides, these ‘Musnads’ are added into the ‘Sihah Sitta’.

Mainly, the Hadith asserts that two groups of Muslims have been listed free from Hellfire; group 1 includes people who would wage war against India, and group 2 would follow Hazrat Issa (A.S). Hazrat Issa’s (A.S) all companions would not have followed him (a.s) at the same time, rather the comrades would have joined Hazrat Issa (A.S) at different periods.

This saying of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is clearly stating the battle against India or the non-believers living in the region. Moreover, these notables of Islam have also quoted the above hadith in their respective ambits Imam Bukhari (r.a) in ‘Al Tareekh Al Kabeer’; Tibrani; Behqi; Ibn-e-Kaseer; Al-Imam Welmi; Imam Syuti; Imam Mazi; Ibn-e-Asaakar in ‘History of Damascus.

Muslims during a Battle

Source: Muslim INK

The Second ‘Hadith’

“if I could find a chance to participate in any such expedition, and I  get martyred, then well & good; if I come back as a survivor, then I would be a free Abu Hurairah, to whom Allah Almighty would have given freedom from the Hell.” Reported by Abu Huraira (R.A)

This holy saying about Ghazwa-e-Hind is also affirmed by Imam Hambal in his ‘Musnad’, making it a Sahih hadith. Further, Imam Nisai also reported this hadith in his books: ‘Al- Sunan Al Mujtaba’ & ‘Al Sunan Al Kubra’ with the following phrasing:

 “Hazrat Abu Hurairah (r.a) says, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.w)  promised us of Ghazwa-e-Hind. If I get a chance to participate in it, I would spend all my energy & wealth for it. If I get killed,  I would be considered among the greatest martyrs. And if I come back alive, then I would be a freed Abu-Hurairah”.

The above Hadees Ghazwa-e-Hind actually confirms the first hadith in which it is stated that a Muslim who takes in fighting against India would be liberated from Hellfire. However, it is worth pondering that both the above hadith predict battle against India and the conquering of India.

The Third ‘Hadith’

This holy saying about Ghazwa-e-Hind is told by Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A)  and it pronounces about the conquest of India as follows:

“Definitely, one of your troop would do war with Hindustan, Allah would grant success to those warriors, as far as they would bring their kings by dragging them in chains/fetters. And Allah would forgive those warriors (by the Blessing of this great war). And when those Muslims would return, they would find Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) in Syria”.

Although Naeem bin Hammad (R.A) cited the above hadith in his book ‘Kitab ul Fitan’ and Ishaq bin Rahuya (R.A) also excerpted it in his ‘Musnad’- with some additions-, this Hadith is not included in ‘Sehah Sitta’

This saying of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) depicts forgiveness for all those who take part in the greatest battle of Ghazwa-e-Hind.

The Fourth Hadith

A King of Jerusalem (Bait-ul-Muqaddas) would make troops move forward towards India. The warriors would destroy the land of Hind; would possess its treasures, then King would use those treasures for the décor of Jerusalem. That troops would bring the Indian kings in front of King (of Jerusalem). His warriors by King’s order would conquer all the area between East & West. And would stay in India till the issue of Dajjal”. Quoted by Hazrat Kaab (R.A)

Teacher of Hazrat Imam Bukhari (RA) Naeem bin Hammad (RA) quoted this in his book ‘Kitab- ul-Fitan’. However, this hadith is not included in ‘Sehah Sitta’ as well.

The Fifth Hadith

There are different hadiths but this particular Hadith is narrated by Hazrat Safwan (R.A) who also tells about some signs of  Ghazwa e Hind and it states:

Some people of my Ummah will fight India, Allah would grant them  success, even they would find the Indian kings being trapped in fetters. Allah would forgive those warriors. When they would move towards Syria, then would find Isa Ibn-e-Maryam(A.S.) over there”.

The above-mentioned Hadith is also quoted by Naeem bin Hammad in his book ‘Al-fitan’. Moreover, this hadith is also not included in ‘Sehah Sitta. Additionally, Hadith number 4 and 5 exhibit that the Indians shall be conquered in the future and tells about the forgiveness of believers.

To recapitulate, Muslims have conquered India several times in the past. The Hadiths have become true and some of them going to be true in the future. Many hadiths showcase the name of Hazrat Issa, which means the conquer of India would be at the time of the revival of Hazrat Issa (A.S).

The perennial exacerbations between India and Pakistan are proof of Ghazwa e Hind Pakistan in the future. Plus, the prophecies of Prophet Muhammad do not mean Islam supports the war but it means Islam supports a war, which uplifts the right and crushes the wrong.

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