Here Is Why Pakistanis Need to Come Out of Superstitious Beliefs

Pakistanis Need to Come Out of Superstitious Beliefs -

Remember when your entire existence, fate, prosperity and alike depended on a ridiculous and highly irrelevant thing or occurrences? How far could you remember when it still happens or you might come from the same set of superstitious beliefs.

Few acts that are considered to be bad or good omens relate to our future happenings or in other words, superstitious beliefs, that rule our lives. Indeed they rule our lives as we hinge our decisions around it.

We like to weave possibilities, conclusions, judgments etc based on superstitious beliefs and it is far too conventional for Pakistanis to believe it.

What are the superstitions Pakistanis commonly believe?

Certain superstitions people seem to believe may surprise you, or not, they are as ridiculous as anything. You must have heard about black cats, well according to the popular superstition if a poor black cat crosses your path something terrible would happen to you.

Do not drink milk after eating fish, you’ll get skin diseases.

Pakistanis Need to Come Out of Superstitious Beliefs -

Source: Giphy

Tie a black rag or shoe piece on the rear of your car to prevent evil spirits.

Pakistanis Need to Come Out of Superstitious Beliefs -

You’re the eldest child, you can enjoy the thunderstorm while the rest of your siblings stay shut behind doors because lightning thunder will strike you for being the eldest child.

And what not…

Pakistanis have gone way too far in giving Sadqa and totally miss the entire point of it.

We came across to the news of PIA slaughtering a black goat before a flight takes off. Well, there is nothing wrong in taking that measure but if you are relying on the good omen of sacrificing a goat instead of doing a little bit work by yourself, you are doomed.


It is also rumored that our former President, Asif Ali Zardari used to sacrifice a goat in the President house during his reign to shake off evil conspiracies against his governance.

Whether it be sacrificing a black goat or tying a black cloth or shoe under your car, you are missing the entire point. You can give Sadqa all you want but you need to prioritize in improving your operations most significantly.

The point here is that people do not choose to adapt to measures and strategies of improving their operations or any kind of work. They rely on measly things like tying a black cloth or a tiny shoe to count on their fate. They empower fallacies and hide behind it.

Our fate is partly in our hands. What seeds we sow today reaps tomorrow, and the cycle goes on. We may believe all we want since it is hard to dismantle the deep cognitive conditioning we are prone towards. But we must improve our actions first, our conducts have to be the supreme priority in any decisive outcome.

These antics only indicate the backwardness of our society. We like to ward off evil first of anything we do so that it does not fail or collapse rather than improving our strategies and plans. Should a plan fails or things do not work out, we scramble towards blaming our fate rather than inspect our working ways and scrutinizing our mistakes.

If we choose to improve our system, engage more efforts than hanging the outcome’s fate on superstitions then we are going nowhere than only lending credence to waste.

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