There might be more to it then what you think. Here is how your protection might just be killing you.
1. Taking the pill might increase your risk of cancer
Certain studies have shown a link between birth control pills and breast, cervical and liver cancer.
2. It can lower your libido
Birth control pills work by tampering with your normal hormone levels, and as a result, it’s possible that they may lower your sex drive.
3. It can cause depression
Studies have shown a link between birth control pills and depression. A number of women who are on the pill report higher levels of anxiety, developing mood disorders and lowered endorphin levels.
4. It’s not just your responsibility
With men’s contraception on the horizon, it no longer makes sense to put the burden of birth control on women alone, especially when it can have such adverse effects on women. Times are changing, and men have to step up and take an equal share with their partners in the contraception process.
5. It can double the risk of heart attack and stroke
It increases the risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke in particular for women over 35 or those who are regular smokers. A number of studies prove a strong link between these factors.
6. It can affect the way you choose a partner
Choosing a partner who is genetically different from oneself helps ensure that the baby is healthy and has a strong immune system. According to studies, however, women who are on the pill tend to choose partners who are close to them in their genetic make-up.
7. Blood clots
Studies show a link between blood clots and using birth control can make you twice as likely to experience blood clots, that is an average of 6 out of every 10,000 women.
8. It can delay your fertility
Studies show that 12 months after stopping contraception methods such a condoms, 54 percent of women gave birth, as compared to 32 percent of women who stopped using the pill. Oral contraceptives used for two or more years resulted in an average of nine months to conceive compared to an average of three months for women who used condoms.
9. It’s not 100% effective
Contrary to popular belief, taking the pill is not a sure-shot way to prevent pregnancy. It only works if you remember to take the pill every single day, without fail, and even then it is only 91% effective, which mean one out of eleven women on the pill will end up getting pregnant. Uh-oh!
10. It can cause nutrient deficiencies:
According to Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook oral contraceptives can lead to a deficiency of the following nutrients: zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin C, vitamins B2, B3, B6, and B12. Besides this, women who conceive after ceasing the use of oral contraceptives damage their baby’s health and increase the likelihood of children born with similar nutrient deficiencies, according to this source
11. It’s a bad idea if you are a nursing mother:
Traces of oral contraceptive steroids have been reported in the milk of nursing mothers, along with some adverse effects on children who are breastfeeding. Oral contraceptives in the postpartum period also interfere with lactation, decreasing both quantity and quality of breast milk. According to these warnings regarding contraceptives, oral contraceptives should be avoided by nursing mothers.
12. It can result in fluid retention:
If you suffer from chronic fluid retention, birth control pills are a bad idea. Oral contraceptives are known to cause some degree of fluid retention and should be prescribed with caution and with careful monitoring. You can read up on that here With all the dangers of using birth control pills, and so many possible alternatives available, such as IUDs, it makes us question, is birth control really worth it?
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