‘X’, previously known as Twitter, begins Charging New Users $1 a Year in New Zealand and the Philippines

X charges new users

Elon Musk purchased a massive number of shares on Twitter and became the largest shareholder. Within a few days, Elon became the new king of Twitter and brought the company

The moment he completed the deal, Musk tweeted “The bird is freed” in a clear reference to the deal.

In July 2023, Elon Musk also launched an AI company that primarily focused on artificial intelligence.

X Charges New Users $1 a Year

In a new trial, Elon Musk’s X, formerly known as Twitter, will charge new users in New Zealand and the Philippines $1 a year for access to key features. They include the ability to tweet, retweet, like posts, and reply to posts.

Last month, Elon Musk, owner of X, Tesla, and SpaceX, suggested that “all X users may have to pay for access”.

Despite having a clear financial reason to charge users, the controversial billionaire says getting people to pay is aimed at combating bots.

Previously, he claimed that bots cost “a fraction of a penny.” However, if someone has to pay a few dollars or something, some minor amount, the impact on bots is enormous.

A new enhanced service, called X Premium, allows subscribers to post longer posts and increase their validity. X Premium currently costs $8 a month in the US. There is a price difference depending on where the subscriber lives, while other users are still free to use X.

In recent weeks, the European Union has investigated the company for the spread of terrorist and violent content and hate speech.

As part of the investigation into anti-child abuse practices, Australia’s internet safety watchdog fined the company.

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