Leading Mattress Brand Introduces An ‘Islamic Mattress’ And We Are Confused

One of the leading mattress brands of Pakistan has introduced an Islamic mattress which has definitely confused us. The company has pitched the product as ‘scientifically been developed and balanced for every body type based on Islamic principles’.

The details available on its website claimed that it is Pakistan’s first Islamic Mattress engineered for people who sleep on their back or their right side which is the Islamic way for sleeping. Medical science tells us that that the best healthy sleeping position is to sleep on your back or on your right side which is also the Islamic way of sleeping, practiced and taught 1400yrs ago.

The further description of the mattress also claimed that by sleeping on the right side on this ‘Islamic mattress’, the heart remains in the topside, and aids in the process of rising early before sunrise to perform Fajr.

But, we aren’t sure if it’s just us or everyone, who is not able to understand the concept behind this ‘Islamic Mattress’. Seems like the brand itself is confused with its brand positioning since they have now deleted the entire product from their official website.

How much we sleep during the night determines how our day is going to turn out. So, getting a good nights rest should be our top priority. Even if you say that your reason to stay awake is work-related, that still doesn’t justify you not sleeping. Good comfortable sleep is what we need at the end of the day.


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