After Mahira Khan disclosed that she struggles with mental illness, Noor Bukhari, who is also an actress, advised Khan to turn her attention back to Allah.
In an interview that took place a few days ago, the actress who plays Razia revealed that she had a mental condition and discussed her experience of battling severe depression.
Noor Bukhari Advice To Mahira Khan
Following the controversy caused by the images, she said that she had reached her breaking point and was suffering from severe depression. The actress shared her story, saying, “When I was first diagnosed with manic depression, I immediately requested treatment from a physician.”
The actress disclosed, in addition, that she has been taking antidepressants for the past seven years. Mahira Khan was encouraged by Bukhari to turn her attention back to Allah when he was giving her his opinion on Khan’s mental state.
She also prayed for her comfort at this time. “Return to your Rab Allah; the soul needs to connect at times like these; it is time to answer the call and change your course.” “May Allah relieve our suffering,” he prayed.
People who utilize social media have voiced their disagreement with Noor Bukhari’s statement, claiming that depression is a severe mental illness that must be treated in the appropriate manner by trained professionals.
It has been argued that ladies like Noor should now understand that depression can be just as terrible as any other physical ailment since in many situations it drives people to end their own lives by taking their own lives.
Noor constantly has something critical to say about other people in terms of their religious beliefs, and some people think she should give up using social media as a result of this.
See More: Armeena Khan’s Remarks On Actors Exploiting ‘Religious Extremism’ Irks Noor Bukhari