This Couple’s Mesmerizing “FollowMe”Photos Will Make You Fall in Love with Pakistan All Over Again!

We all have some hidden fantasies where we imagine to go to beautiful places alongside our partner. No? We all have had thought of it at one point in our lives. Dreaming of waking up to the breathtaking views of mountains and lakes, sipping on the hot cup of tea and paratha. You know, some desi sorta fantasies.

So, this couple thought to do a very western thing in a very desi style. People go to Bali, Singapore, Newyork, Istanbul to have their vacations and take some kickass couple photos. But they chose Pakistan’s northern areas! Oh YES! Remember the couple who made waves on the internet with the hashtag #FollowMe? Yes, this Pakistani couple made a desi version of it but on equally breathtaking views.


Hunza and the Lake and the mountain

Some thousand meters above the sea level and above the spirits! Beautiful

Exploring and finding

OHII, BOI! These mesmerizing views are enough to die for

Snow covered and the lush green!

AH! Oh boi, oh boi! Such places to die for that too when you have the love of your life to walk along those hills with you. Isn’t this too beautiful to imagine?! We all plan on going to expensive of places but the percentage of people pouring in Pakistan in the last two years have increased miraculously.

Stats tell that people who wouldn’t want to consider Pakistan as their travel destination have now planned it as it’s first priority. Well, all because Pakistan holds the highest peaks of mountains in the whole wide world.

Not just that but many foreigners were asked about the overall experience and above the beautiful scenery, they loved the hospitality of people. That’s what Pakistanis are proud of! We welcome people with warm hugs and a promised cup of tea.

What do you guys think?

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