Introduction – (R)General Raheel Sharif
Personal Life:
General Raheel Sharif was born on 16th June, in the year 1956, in Quetta. He is a four-star rank armed force general and also had served as the fifteenth Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army. He was designated by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on 29 November 2013, and after completing his tenure, he was retired on 29 November 2016. He got hitched inside family and has three children, including two sons and a daughter. His sons are also serving in the Pakistan Army with enthusiasm, following the legacy of their family. His family background is associated with Rajput, roots in Punjab in settlement of Kunjah, Gujrat. Right now, he is serving as a Commander-in-Chief of Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition, a Saudi based 39-nation Muslim Countries Alliance designed to combat terrorism.
General Raheel Sharif Army Background:
General Raheel Sharif has a conspicuous soldierly upbringing. His father was Major Rana Muhammad Sharif (late). His eldest sibling Major Rana Shabbir Sharif, was announced as the saint of Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 by Pakistan and got Pakistan’s most note-worthy military honor Nishan-e-Haider after death.Nishan-e-Haider is Pakistan’s most astounding military courage grant. “Nishan-e-Haider” truly signifies “Characteristic of the Lion” in the Urdu dialect. “Haider” is likewise the sobriquet of Hazrat Ali (AS). Likewise, he is additionally a beneficiary of Sword of Honor and holds an extraordinary respect of having gotten the three most pined for honors of Pakistan Army. Shabbir Sharif is viewed as the most enhanced officer of Pakistan Army.
The Nishan-e-Haider must be granted to individuals from the Pakistan Army for the most astounding demonstrations of uncommon fortitude in face of the foe in air, land or ocean. Albeit some think of it as identical to the British Victoria Cross and the United States Medal of Honor, it is remarkable in that it has so far been granted just after death. Its restrictiveness can be gaged by the way that, since Pakistan’s freedom in 1947, it was granted just ten times now tally is eleven, as Hilal-e-Kashmir is granted equivalent to Nishan-e-Haider.
The Nishan-e-Haider was set up by the Management of Pakistan and entitled after Ali ibn AbiTalib on 16 March 1957, the year that Pakistan turned into a republic. It was connected retroactively from the date of Pakistan’s freedom on 14 August 1947. It is Pakistan’s most elevated honor and overshadows all military and common honors. Of the ten Nishan-e-Haider beneficiaries to date, nine have been from the Army and one from the Air Force.
General Raheel Sharifis the youngest sibling amongst three brothers and two sisters.His another brother, Captain Mumtaz Sharif, likewise courageously served in Pakistan armed force and for his valiance he was granted Sitara-e-Basalat, yet got an early retirement because of medicinal causes.
General Raheel Sharif is the nephew of Major Raja Aziz Bhatti, from his mom’s side, one more Nishan-e-Haider beneficiary, who was proclaimed as the martyr of India Pakistan War of 1965 by Pakistan. Major Aziz Bhatti was a Staff officer in the Pakistan Army who got Pakistan’s most astounding honor for bravery and heroism.He is otherwise called “Muhafiz-e-Lahore” (Protector of Lahore). Major Aziz Bhatti was conceived in Hong Kong to a Punjabi Muslim Rajput family in 1928. He moved to Pakistan before it got to be autonomous in 1947, living in the town of Ladian, Kharian, Gujrat. There he enrolled with the recently framed Pakistani Army and was appointed to the Punjab Regiment in 1950.
Major Raja Aziz Bhatti was posted in the Burki territory of Lahore part amid the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. As the organization authority, Major Bhatti advanced his unit under steady terminating from Indian tanks and mounted guns. For at least three days he abandoned rest. He opposed for five days and evenings safeguarding a Pakistani station on the vital BRB waterway.
Impressive Hobbies:
He is an enthusiastic reader and appreciates chasing and swimming. That is the thing that makes a man genuinely dynamic and savvy. Book perusing for sharp observance, swimming for energetic body, and hunting for excite, are unquestionably best interests or leisure pursuits one can have.
Educational Details:
He completed his formal studies at Government College Lahore and later went ahead to join the Pakistan Military Academy and nominated in Pakistan Army as dispatched officer in 1976.
He did war course from National Defence University, Islamabad. He is furthermore an alum of the prestigious Royal College of Defense Studies, United Kingdom.Raheel Sharif got his military bonus in 1976 and concentrated on military initiative in Germany, Canada and Britain.
After the accomplishment of his training he amalgamatedsixth unit of the Frontier Force Regiment that is eminent and fight solidified.He played out his obligations as youthful officer in Gilgit in infantry detachment furthermore aided as assistant of Pakistan Military Academy.
Raheel Sharif hopped on the military step and General Pervez Musharraf, who is considered as his tutor, gave him the charge of eleventh Infantry Division in Lahore. As a lieutenant General, Raheelfunctioned as Corps Commander for a long time and after that assumed control as Inspector General Training and Evaluation.
Martial Services:
It is trusted that Raheel Sharif is against the Taliban and aggressors and depicted them as the real risk to the presence of Pakistan. He trusted that the inside insurrection is more hazardous for Pakistan than the remote dangers.
As the Inspector General for Training and Evaluation, he upgraded the military universities in the nation and gave offbeat fighting preparing to the multitudes. He additionally manages the assessment of military precepts and war techniques with a view to molding future preparing programs.He changed the armed force’s concentration more towards doing counter-rebellion operations against Tehrik e Taliban activists.
General Sharif has initiated a reasoning in Pakistan military since 2007 that battling Taliban inside Pakistan is more imperative than concentrating on India, Pakistan’s most outstanding adversary since freedom.
On 27 November 2013, Sharif was named as the fifteenth Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. As per sources, General Sharif is said to be indifferent in governmental issues with extremely optimistic and adjusted perspectives. Be that as it may, he was raised more than two more senior commanders.
A senior general, Lieutenant General Haroon Aslam, surrendered over Sharif’s elevation. The other more-senior general, Rashad Mahmood was delegated as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee. The News stated that General Aslam could have been outdated in light of his activity in the 1999 overthrow.
He had been granted with Hilal-i-Imtiaz , it is the second most noteworthy regular citizen honor and respect given to both regular citizens and military officers of the Pakistan military by the Government of Pakistan. It perceives people who have made a particularly worthy commitment to the security or national interests of Pakistan, world harmony, social or other huge open attempts. It is a non-military personnel grant, and not restricted to the residents of Pakistan. Moreover, in the year 2013, RaheelSharif was consulted with Nishan-e-Imtiaz. It is one of the state sorted out common designs of State of Pakistan. It is the most astounding honor given to any regular citizen or inhabitant in Pakistan in view of their accomplishments towards world acknowledgment and salutation for Pakistan or an exceptional administration for the nation.
General Raheel Sharif is expected to resign on 29 November 2016. There has been fear inspired notions about his augmentation, yet in the event that he doesn’t get expansion, he will be resigned on 29 November this year.Raheel Sharif was named as best military officer general on the planet for 2015 by ABC News Point.
Operation Zarb-e-Azb:
Prior to the begin of the military operation Zarb-e-Azb, fear mongers had been, basically, pursuing a war against the natives of Pakistan, their qualities, convictions and resources.
As indicated by The Economist, “Not at all like his antecedents, General Sharif seems to see jihadists, mainly as Pakistan’s own particular Taliban, as the nation’s most noteworthy risk, and is credited to have started the fruitful joint operation of Zarb-e-Azb.”
Operation Zarb-e-Azb is a joint military hostile directed by the Pakistan Armed Forces against different aggressor bunches, including the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, al-Qaeda, Jundallah and the Haqqani organize.
The operation was propelled on 15 June 2014 in North Waziristan alongside the Pakistan-Afghanistan outskirt as a recharged exertion against militancy because of the 8 June assault on Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, for which the TTP and the IMU guaranteed responsibility. Part of the war in North-West Pakistan, up to 30,000 Pakistani warriors were included in Zarb-e-Azb, portrayed as an “extensive operation” to flush out all remote and nearby aggressors covering up in North Waziristan. The operation has gotten boundless support from the Pakistani political, barrier and non-military personnel divisions. As an outcome, the general security circumstance enhanced and psychological militant assaults in Pakistan dropped to a six-year low subsequently 2008.
The Operation Zarb-e-Azb is the most proper stride taken for the peace and flourishing of the nation since 1947. One of the NATO officers expressed that from 1945 as of not long ago, the Operation Zarb-e-Azb is one of the praiseworthy and one of a kind operations did by any nation.
The Pakistan armed force figured out how to demolish the expertise and control arrangement of fear based oppressors. Numerous fear based oppressors have been executed, and some have fled to Afghanistan to spare their lives. The National Action Plan is actualized to hunt down fear mongers all through the nation. Pakistan Rangers have made a remarkable showing with regards to as fear mongering in Karachi has diminished all things considered.
While addressing in Lahore, General Raheel Sharif said, “Our success against terrorism owes immensely to the physical strength and mental robustness of our officers and men. This, coupled with sincerity of purpose and clear direction contributed heavily towards fortifying their will and morale during intense and demanding operations.”
He further said, “Today, our brave men can tell the world with pride that by eliminating terrorist networks from the far reaches of Pak-Afghan border, an environment of peace and prosperity has prevailed. Having overcome the heartless enemy, we are set to march forward on the road to progress.”
Be that as it may, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif merits exceptional acclaim for driving the Zarb-e-Azb as opposed to his timid antecedents, who did not get the mettle to manage the apparition of fear based oppression which was obliterating Pakistan a little bit at a time, and at the time like different foundations the military were likewise not doing what’s necessary to dispense with the curse.
Amid the fruitful military operation, Zarb-e-Azb withdraw of the Taliban from North Waziristan has demonstrated that such components like will to battle and good constrain have been more found in Pakistan’s Armed Forces then the Taliban activists.
The dedication and reliability the occupant best leader has exhibited while taking the psychological militants head-on has pulled in across the board open gratefulness. However, tragically some hostile to majority rules system components have been attempting to draw him into expecting a part that the Constitution doesn’t warrant. Be that as it may, similar to an expert fighter, who sticks to his promise, Raheel Sharif has not gave careful consideration to such ‘interest’.
The successes accomplished by Pakistan’s security contraption in two years are sensed by one and all.The products of the Zarb-e-Azb are incomparable, and the country is obliged to the military and all other state establishments and political players, who, making peace on different issues, held hands against extremist oppressors.
After the aggressors of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) slaughtered 132 school youngsters at Army school in Peshawar on December 16, 2014, while stressing national solidarity against fear based oppressors, Gen. Raheel had more than once expressed, “Our resolve has taken new tallness”, and included “We will keep on going after the brutal mammoths, their facilitators till their last disposal.”
Probably, the advance of the Zarb-e-Azb is exceptionally promising, as it is productively progressing towards its coherent end.
As a Head of Islamic Military Alliance
After successfully completed his COAS tenure, General Raheel Sharif was appointed as head of the 39-nation anti-terrorism alliance by the Saudi Government. The Government of Pakistan officially issues a NOC for Sharif to join the alliance after an understanding between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Initially, the Pakistan government had confused about the decision of Saudi Arabia because they named Mr. Sharif without the consent of Pakistan. But after clearing all their doubts, the officials had confirmed his participation in the alliance.
The Islamic military alliance was formed in September 2015, with 39 Muslim countries joining forces to tackle the issue of terrorism. For Pakistan, his appointment is the prestigious one, as Turkey and Egypt both had hoped to lead the alliance as reported by Gulf officials.