Why Being The Middle Child Can Actually Be A Blessing

We all know that the middle child of a house always (or most of the times) gets the worst end of the stick in most of the things.

In fact, we are the ones who are neither the youngest nor the eldest and so we never had any attention at all. And our lives ended when the third child of the family was born.



Even today we still feel how we have to fight for everything we want and crying over something we did, no matter how small, never helped us any bit.

Yep, a middle child cannot even say what they feel.



We all know we are part of the same family as our siblings so; it is about time that we show them how “awesome” a middle child can be

We are the Resilient Ones of our Family

It is a known fact among us that we simply do not get whatever we wish for. We have to fight for it, and even prove ourselves worthy of it.



From a simple toy during childhood to that latest tech in adulthood, we always have to prove ourselves worthy. While the eldest got everything being the “pehla bacha” and youngest while being the “laadla bacha”, we had to prove ourselves first.

Yup, those were the usual days for us and now we have evolved so much that we do not consider it a problem anymore.



 We can Adapt Well, We can Camouflage

“Your middle child is really genius/gorgeous-” said no relative ever.



When you are a middle child, almost all the time you will be ignored over something your siblings did or did not do. Most of what you will get is a small-talk conversation and that is it.



But the grown up middle people are used to this. We actually see this as a chance to be away from all sort of family politics or issues.

We Have the Most Cultivated Personalities

Since we are mostly ignored and we have to fight for our dreams, we tend to be great observers. We have seen how our elder siblings used to fight our parents and how our younger siblings annoy them. We are the ones who act as the referee when the oldest fights the youngest.



So, we know the difference between good and bad, how to behave, and what to do and what not to do. As a result, we develop ourselves into fine gems of our families (who are still ignored)


We Share a lot but Nobody Wants to Share their Stuff with Us

From books to clothes, there wasn’t much of the stuff during our childhood that we would not get from our elder siblings. If the condition is good and if it fits, then it is ours no matter how much we run away from it.

Step 1: Older one gets new things
Step 2: You get their old things
Step 3: Their new things get worn out, you get them. They get new ones.
Step 4: By the time parents come to you, there is no money left.
Step 5: Cycle repeats



As for our siblings, they always got what they wanted one way or the other and they just wouldn’t let us even hold it.

How is that a blessing? We realise how we need to earn for ourselves and how we need to make ourselves prominent in front of our parents. Sure, the struggle is unreal (for some), but the outcome of getting something, the feeling is what makes us proud.

Our Parents Keep Testing Us, and It Makes a Better Person



Feel Special Guys, There’s a Whole Syndrome Named After Us

It’s called Middle Child Syndrome, jbtw.



A middle child does not simply stop when told how wonderful she/he is and how special she/he is. We prove our worth to people around us by showing them our strengths. In fact, the only praise that we need is from ourselves.

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