While WhatsApp was Down, this Guy Played the Most Evil Trick with his Uncle…

The Internet has now become an important part of everyone’s life and has literally taken over our lives. No kidding. Consider it like oxygen. No life without it. Isn’t it? Remember the times when WhatsApp had crashed a few times, well it happened again.

Just yesterday, Whatsapp crashed and the whole world went into a meltdown and people lost their minds. Even though it was for just a few minutes, but it seemed like our lives had stopped.That’s people started communicating on Facebook. LOL. A message went circulating on Twitter and that’s when a guy chose to troll his uncle. The conversation seemed to have started off with the uncle asking the guy if his WhatsApp is working or not and if the messages are being delivered…

Here’s the message:

So cute! Many Twitterati started enjoying the moment and even asked for the uncle’s number. However, there were some who didn’t find this joke funny.

Took it seriously…





Someone actually used their brain…

Once it started working, the uncle messaged the guy saying that it is now activated

What was your reaction when WhatsApp crashed? How did you communicate?  Let us know in the comments below!

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