WhatsApp is to introduce a new feature which will increase users privacy. Moreover, WhatsApp has introduced phone hiding facility for users with privacy concerns.
WhatsApp has introduced this feature to increase user’s messaging experience. Moreover, it will increase user’s privacy. Furthermore, user’s username will only feature for people who they are interacting with others. However, it is pertinent to note that such a feature already exist in apps like Telegram.
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Thus, just name sharing will allow users to interact with each other without the need for phone numbers. Another feature tested in the Beta version improvises more secure plan to assure security measure. Furthermore, WhatsApp will demand security key before any new user interaction. Moreover, security key shall stay regardless of already existing username address. Though, it is not clear that this feature will roll out soon.
Additionally, financing similarity with Instagram, users will also be allowed to re-share statuses that they are tagged in. This is likely to enhance user experience.