What Happens When You Tell People That You Don’t Like Cricket…

1. At first people don’t believe you

Are you kidding me? Cricket nahi achha lagta? Because every Pakistani must love cricket, right?

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2. You’re so lost when someone asks “score kitna howa”?


3. You prefer anything other than the sports channel

4. You don’t understand how people can skip their work to watch a “match”

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5. And why does it go on for all day long…


6. Why there are so much rules. At every point of time?

And why are those terms so complicated?

7. You find it easy to understand a French art film rather than rules of cricket.

8. If your friends plan to watch a match together, you go their just to munch on the snacks

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9. And watch the cheerleaders 😉

 10. You are the only one in the family to plug in headphones and listen to music while the game is on!

Our way to escape the madness.

11. You can’t be more happy when you find someone else who doesn’t like cricket.

Finally! Im not the only one!

16951-streetcric-1370673348-873-640x480 Also See: 8 Types Of Cricketers That We Find In Every Mauhalla!


FI2 Also See: 8 Things A Typical Pakistani Just Can’t Live Without

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