This Photographer Shows a Better Perception of Practicing Faith in Public

Ever since the early 2000, praying in public has always been a taboo. People praying in the streets, parks, office buildings, and even in their lawns have been seen with either hateful or confused eyes. This demotivating behavior is especially common in the West and European side where religious hatred is at a considerable scale.

However, recently we are observing how Muslims and people of other faith are battling against this taboo, and spreading love and awareness through different social activities. One such example happens to be Sana Ullah, who got a unique idea as to how to eliminate, what they call, “Islamophobia”. Below are some of her photographs that you need to see:

Sana Ullah Captures the Moments of People Praying Out in the Open Air

Sana Ullah Photography

Sana Ullah Photography

Sana Ullah said she got the idea when her family decided to pray in a dressing room of a mall. The young photographer explained that the idea behind her album is rather to spread a more pious side of Muslims, something that western media rarely shares with the world. She wants to eliminate the stereotype that Muslims are evil and terrorists, and believes that lens of her camera can help her with this.

Sana Ullah Asked People to Pray Where They Last Prayed in Public 

Sana Ullah Photography

Sana Ullah Photography

She says that after accompanying groups in Farz prayers, she tries to take pictures when people are indulged in their individual Sunnah prayers.

She Discusses with Her Subjects About the Location and What Made Them Pray There

Sana Ullah Photography

Sana Ullah Photography

If there is any reason or memory related to the area where her subjects prayed, she tries to discuss it with them. The objective is to further encourage them so that they keep killing the hate for religion among the majority west.

She also Captured the Moment When Her Subjects Chose an Impromptu Location to Pray

Sana Ullah Photopgraphy

Sana Ullah Photopgraphy

Happening Only So Rarely in Pakistan, Here is Something You Definitely Need to See

Sana Ullah Photography

Sana Ullah Photography

Yes, a bride while waiting for her wedding ceremony to start prays in her wedding dress.

Most of her works mostly revolves around locations in the U.S. However, she also tries to share photos of other photographers who do similar work. She expects every Muslim to embrace their Islamic identity, and do not falter when they see opposition. Sana Ullah continued telling that she wants to build a bridge between Islam and other faiths so that everyone knows that Islam is all about love and harmony.

Sana Ullah Photography

Sana Ullah Photography

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