5 Types of Pakistani Conversations that are legit hilarious and petrifying at the same Time!

Who doesn’t love to engage in a nice, long conversation whether it’s with a friend, a family member or who knows, maybe a… stranger? Some people really do know how to start a meaningful conversation!  However, things are a little different when Pakistanis engage in a conversation and chances are, that some conversations can be hilarious to petrifying! And, I bet many of you might’ve guessed what is that I’m exactly talking about.

We know that amongst Pakistanis, sarcasm tops the list. Agreed? But the truth is, we all have that ‘Muhallay ki Rashida Baji wali rooh’ in us – The rooh of sarcasm.Have a look at the conversations below that you can TOTALLY relate to and these legit take place in every household, on the streets, and among friends. How can this be so legit?

Here we go with our first conversation:

1. Feeling guilty?


2. Isn’t it always?? Aik hi cheez aur “Allah apki jori salamat rakhay” 


3. Bandi karay tou kia karay? 




5. What triggers a beemari? Your mobile phone. YUS.


Alright, so the list is ENDLESS types of conversations Pakistanis may have and we can go on forever and ever. Share the type of conversations you have with your family, friends or maybe strangers, in the comments below.

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