Former Pakistani model Natasha Hussain, commonly known as Natty once took over the modeling ramps by storm. Now she has left modeling and is more focused on hosting events. Natasha has her name embedded in the roots of fashion and modeling industry. Natasha, alongside the big names such as Iman Ali, Iraj, and Nadia Hussain, made the modeling industry what it is today.
However, little did many know Natasha had a daughter too!
Starting her career at a young age, what people mostly know about Natty is how she conquered the brands and ramps.
Little do people know how her daughter Tanya Hussain is now all grown up and looks as stunning as her mother!
Don’t They Look More Like Sisters?
And Their Fashion Sense Is Amazing (No Surprise There)
In this recent shoot done by Ather Shahzad, the mother-daughter duo portrays their relationship and oh dear Lord…they look uber amazing!
Launching the summer wedding campaign, the makeup artist and photographer duo Ather and Shahzad signed Natty and Tanya to depict how important it is for a bride and her mother to look fantastic on the daughter’s big day. The mother and daughter have done utmost justice to this campaign!
Tanya Looks Perfect Here!
Something For Nikkah/Engagement During The Time Of Summers!
We Want To Drink Whatever Natty Drinks To Avoid Ageing, Tbh…
Will this Goddess ever age?
Alongside hosting events, Natasha is a happily married daughter of two.
If Tanya Hussain is all set to follow the footsteps of her mother, we are sure she’s going to be extremely successful because she has the genes of one of the best models in Pakistani industry!