In Rawalpindi on Tuesday, the police arrested a man for beating his son ruthlessly for eating fruit without permission after a barbaric video surfaced the social media. A video of violence against a minor named Tayyab, who resides within the limits of Banni Police Station (PS), went viral recently. A stepfather named Naveed mercilessly beats his son with a plastic pipe because he ate an apple without asking him.
In the video, the child can be heard saying that he did not eat the fruit while he groans and cries. Meanwhile, the helpless mother fails to stop her husband.
Police arrested the man for torturing the stepson after his video went viral on social media. The detained man has been identified as Muhammad Naveed against whom a case has also been registered, a police spokesperson informed.
How police arrested the stepfather?
City Police Officer (CPO) Muhammad Ahsan Younas took notice of the incident and ordered police to trace out the man involved in the crime, the spokesperson added. Moreover, the police obtained information about the accused through human intelligence and nabbed him.
The son admitted to the police that Naveed is his stepfather who had beaten him with a plastic pipe and placed him under severe torture in the house for having an apple. Subsequently, police registered a case against the man and started an investigation.
As of now, the child has been sent to the hospital for a medical check-up. The culprit would be get punished by the court of law, the CPO confirmed.
Here is the viral video
WARNING: Some viewers may find the content of this video disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.
The ‘hidden’ incidences of torture that happen at the hands of adults on young children rarely receive attention unless an appalling case is highlighted and creates short-lived public outcries. Much of this remains uncountable, unknowable, and frankly deeply entrenched in our daily dealings.
Maltreatment of children has now become the norm of our society. You can see a thousand examples around you, especially after it reflects in the behavior and subconscious of a child being a victim of it. Don’t study properly and the whiplash awaits you, right? Previously, a video of a woman torturing a child while teaching went viral and took the country by storm.
It may also be recalled that last year, an 8-year-old girl was beaten mercilessly by her employers. The reason? She accidentally released their exotic parrots. Abuse, violence, and ill-treatment of small children need to be wiped away from our society. It does not mend anything, rather breaks apart all pieces.
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