Netflix’s latest eight-part docuseries Indian Matchmaking is making waves across the globe. It has hit the top 10 most viewed shows in Pakistan as well, within a week of its release.
The reality series features elite Indian matchmaker Sima Taparia who goes about trying to find suitable matches for her well-off clients. Moreover, in the series, she is seen jet-setting around Delhi, Mumbai, and several American cities, meeting potential brides and grooms to find out what they are looking for in a life partner.

Source: Google
In addition to this, the show has not only raced to the top of the charts for Netflix but it has also become a massive social sensation. We see hundreds of memes and jokes revolving around the show shared on social media.
Here are a couple of questions that we gathered after watching Indian Matchmaking.
1. Why does Sima Taparia keep introducing herself as ‘Sima from Mumbai’?

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We get that she is branding herself. However, the show clearly revolves around her exceptional matchmaking skills. Even all her clients seem to be aware of who is going to visit them… then why?
2. Why do parents want their kids to get married in order of age?

Source: Google
What seems absurd is the need of getting the siblings married in order of age. Why is it always the girls to get married off first? For instance, even if the brother is older than the sister, it always has to be her to get married first. We fail to understand why.
3. Why are parents included in the first meeting?

Source: Google
Keeping in mind that most of Sima’s clients are from America, it seems unusual that the potential couple meets for the first time in the presence of their parents. This is not the western culture that we know of. However, they do help in breaking the ice between them, so we suppose, it is not that big of a deal.
4. What is with the obsession with the girl being flexible?

Source: Google
In every episode, we hear ‘the girl needs to be flexible’. Are you looking for a yoga trainer? Well, this certainly is the problematic aspect of the show, portraying the snake pit of patriarchy. While watching the show, we are constantly fed with the idea of how crucial it is for young women to be ‘adjusting’, ‘compromising’, and ‘flexible’.
5. If astrology helps people find the right partner, why does no one end up together?

Source: Google
Sima Tapari goes to an astrologer for all of her candidates. In the horoscope matching of the prospective couple- the astrologer claimed many of them to be compatible and have the potential of a future together. Despite that, we did not see anyone ending up together in the show.
6. How important is finding someone of the same religion and ethnicity?

Source: Google
India is a country with the highest number of languages and diverse religions. Perhaps, it helps strangers to share some similarities in religion or region so they can connect with each other?
7. Why don’t they try Tinder?

Source: Google
Jokes apart, this is the first question that comes to mind when one starts watching the show.
Nonetheless, the show gives us a fascinating glimpse into Indian culture and traditions. While some viewers claim to love it, others say they are hating it. Regardless, it seems almost everyone is watching it! Many Pakistanis can even relate to the show as it is somewhat similar to our rishta culture.
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