Samina Ahmed’s Beautiful Change In Life Post Marriage

Samina Ahmed’s Beautiful Change In Life Post Marriage

One of the best and beloved actresses of Pakistan – Samina Ahmed – has recently revealed her sweet love and happy story. She is married to actor Manzar Sehbai, and the two together make a dynamic couple.

As Samina explained to Maliha Rehman, marriage with Manzar brought her new joy and zest in life. Being in love at her age, she said, made her feel happy and rejuvenated. Her children initially were outraged by her remarriage, but now they are all over it and proud of her.

Samina said marriage made her feel less alone. To wake up after work to someone who loves you, she said, makes life more fun.

Also Read: ‘Life Is An Adventure’ – Manzar Sehbai & Samina Ahmad Talk About Their Married Life

She also explained that it wasn’t simple to get married again after being divorced for decades. She was so used to being alone that a new relationship was sometimes a little uncomfortable. Nevertheless, she’s grateful for this change in her life and the joy it’s brought her.

Her journey teaches us that you can be in love any time of the day if you’re open to it.

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