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During the first year of my degree as a journalism student, I made a documentary on harassment as a class project. While making this documentary I realized that the place of a woman in our society is the same as that of a deer in the jungle. Thus, I wrote this piece of poetry in order to reflect my feelings on this issue and how I perceive it.
Like a deer in the Jungle,
My heart is full of fear
Because I know I am vulnerable
Vulnerable to your desires and your hunger
I will always remember
The words of my mother
A deer should never go out alone in the jungle
And in case you will raise your gaze
I should stay quiet
And walk away
Because apparently, I am weaker
Weaker than your hunger, your desire
Now I can hear your steps coming closer
So I try to walk faster
But I can feel your claws on my back
Oh God! it hurts, how sharp is that.
Like the king of the jungle
You have satisfied your hunger
While my body lies on the ground
Torn, dead and shattered.
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