Pakistani Youth Stands Together To Pay Tribute To APS Victims

Pakistan once again stands together mourning those who left us a year ago. For once every person in this country stands for a single cause, every single person cries over the same reason, everyone joined hands against the same people.

Pakistan stands united like never before. The tragedy hit us hard, shook us to the roots, made us realize that it was high time we forgot individual differences and all the petty issues we were divided upon. One year ago, today we stood united like we stand on this day.


One year has passed since we cried over the departed. One year has passed since we decided to stand together. One year has passed since we pledged to keep our hands joined. Did we manage to do all that we promised we’d do?

The answer is No. Did we only pledge to unite on this day and not through out the year? These martyrs gave their lives for a reason. They died for this country. The country we call Pakistan, the land of pure. Isn’t it our duty to fulfill the promises we made on this day? Think. Reflect.


They cannot be brought back by candle vigils. The pain and trauma that the family is going through as they live that day again can never be fully expressed in words. If you really feel grieved and shocked over what happened in Peshawer, stand up to take a stand.

Stop criticizing the government, stop criticizing the system, stop criticizing our leaders. Be the change you want to see in this country. Be the change you want to see in the world! You will never be too old or too small to make a difference. The only difficult thing is to take the first step.


We don’t even have the option of “Bardasht kartey jaao.”, we have to take responsibility. We have to stand against the wrongs being done in our country. Ab hi waqt hai zimmedari uthaaney ka, sab kuch badalney ka!

If this tragedy isn’t a reason big enough to unite against those trying to break Pakistan, then I really don’t know what is. If we stay divided, another Aimal Khan will be shot to death, another Khola Bibi will be gunned down on her first day at school, another Tahira Qazi will die while saving her students. Do we really want that? Do we really need another tragedy to unite us once again?


Shaheed Aimal Khan.
Sketch By: Iraj Khalid Khan


We are a nation of great strength, of great potential. We are a nation born to fight and never give up. We just have to remember the golden words of our Quaid “Tauheed, Itehaad, Emaan.” stand firm on these to stand strong against people trying to break us apart.

The APS survivors are the real heroes of this tragedy. To start their lives back, to study in the same school, to re-live the traumatic memories is not easy. But they did it, they stood tall and proud against the oppressors and declared that nothing was ever going to stop them from becoming the huge successes they were meant to be.



The tragedy will forever be marked as the worst day in the history of Pakistan. The blood spilled will never be fully wiped clean. But we will defiantly stand together as a nation to fight against anyone else who tries to hurt us. We will not let our enemies hurt us ever again. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!

1280x720-4PZ Also See: APS Heroes; Gone But Never Forgotten!



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