The government officially declared December 25, 2023, a public holiday to honor Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who founded the country. This falls on the same day that Christians in Pakistan celebrate Christmas.
This statement from the Cabinet Division shows that there will be two celebrations on December 25th. Official events and ceremonies throughout the country will honor Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah’s life, political struggle, and significant role in shaping Pakistan today. As part of these celebrations, there will likely be school processions, marches, and scouting rallies, as well as TV and radio shows focused on his legacy.
At the same time, Christians will enjoy Christmas along with everyone else. Mazar Quaid, the Quaid-e-Azam Museum, and the Flagstaff House in Karachi will all have their famous sites lit up to honor both events. This news of a public holiday comes after the Cabinet Division released the official list of public holidays for 2023 earlier this year.