New Dates For Inter-Exams Announced in Karachi

New Dates For Inter-Exams Announced in Karachi

The Board of Intermediate Education Karachi (BIEK) has announced new dates for the intermediate examination, from June to July.

The exams were postponed for a week, concerned over the week-long heat wave in Karachi.

The board announced that 290,000 students will appear in the exam. Science students are to appear for exams between 9 am to 12 am. The second group consists of science students, who will appear for exams between 2 pm to 5 pm.

Also Read: Anas Habib, Son Of A Newspaper Hawker Brilliantly Tops Intermediate Exams!

The exams postponed were to continue on June 28th.

The board’s decision reflects its problem of holding examinations with matriculation exams.

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