The young and stunning model Neha Rajpoot and the renowned businessman Shahbaz Taseer, who tied the knot in September last year, welcomed a baby boy this week. While congratulatory messages are pouring in for the couple, they are also receiving some backlash for the wrong reasons.
The model turned actor Neha and Shahbaz, the son of the late Salman Taseer, were rumored to have been romantically involved for some time before getting married. As their wedding festivities started off, the couple barely received praise and congratulations from social media users for perhaps the right reasons.
Remember the way that people reacted to Sadaf Kanwal and Shahroz Sabzwari’s marriage? Well, the internet reacted similarly to this couple’s marriage. While we will elaborate with some background information later, it is pertinent to note that Neha and Shahbaz reportedly welcomed a baby boy this week. This news, too, is apparently not well-received by netizens who have been making assumptions and giving flak to the couple.
Mariam Shakeel, a designer and a close friend of the model, broke the news as she took to Instagram Stories to tell her followers about meeting the newborn baby. “Met the most handsome little boy yesterday,” she wrote. “Neha you did well. May Allah bless him immensely.”
Take a look:
The picture soon went viral on social media and became grist for the gossip mill. Many users did some math and jumped to the conclusion that the couple’s wedding date and the time of their child’s birth somehow do not coincide, thereby indicating perhaps the model was expecting before they wed.
Harsh comments followed by congratulations:
In light of the fact that the couple married at the end of September last year, it is important to note that babies are sometimes born before the 37th week. It is likely that the model gave birth to a premature baby. Premature birth is a birth that takes place more than three weeks before the baby’s estimated due date. Making such harsh and unsolicited remarks was unnecessary.
A quick lil background
During the five years when Shahbaz was abducted, he was married to Maheen Ghani. She waited for him for those five years and when he reached home safely, the couple announced the birth of their child a year later. However, their daughter was not even a year old when the couple split up.
It was a shock to the world that they had separated because it was a love story made in heaven: the wife waits faithfully for her husband, and at last he returns. But what transpired?
Subsequent to the divorce news, rumor had it that the reason behind the big decision came in after Shahbaz was caught cheating on his wife. It was only after he married Neha that the rumor came to be true.
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