Actor Hamza Ali Abbasi’s wife and former actress Naimal Khawar Abbasi has treated her fans with some gorgeous pictures from the dholki and mayoun of her sister. Besides being an actress, this multitalented woman is also a visual artist, painter, and social activist. Lately, the stunning actor Naimal Khawar has taken the Internet by storm with her dance on sister’s wedding.
Some of you might know her as Izza from Anaa, while others may know her as Mahgul from the movie Verna. Khawar gained more popularity when Pakistan’s top leading actor Hamza Ali Abbasi tied the knot with her seemingly out of nowhere in August 2019, the couple quickly became the hottest in town.
Almost every wedding that followed theirs featured a nikkah bride rocking Naimal’s look at her own nikkah. Now, almost a year into their marriage, the two continue to be a fan favorite in the country. With their pictures garnering thousands of hits on them, the couple knows what their fans like and deliver just that!
Khawar and Abbasi, effortlessly one of the most popular celebrity couples, their social media is a testament to their love for each other. The two never tire of expressing it via loved up captions and cute selfies.
And now, Khawar’s younger sister ties the knot
Seeing Naimal Khawar all dolled up showing her dance moves at her sister’s wedding has fans and followers totally hooked! We all noticed a girl with blonde hair at the latter’s wedding, and after some research found out that she is actually Khawar’s sister – Fiza Khawar who is a lawyer by profession.
Yesterday, Khawar’s sister tied the knot in a beautiful wedding ceremony. The event was kept private with close family and friends in attendance. The 27-year-old danced her heart out at her sister’s wedding.
Donning a gorgeous maroon outfit, Khawar looked absolutely stunning while Fiza made a beautiful bride. We have already seen the mehendi pictures, now let’s take a look at the dance videos.
Watch the dance videos here & enjoy!
Earlier, the Anaa star took to her Instagram handle shared a heartfelt note as her baby sister ties the knot.
“Something so emotional about seeing your baby sister getting onto a new phase of her life. May Allah bless this new beginning,” Khawar penned down. We too wish all the best to the bride-to-be.
Last week, Pakistani singer and scriptwriter Aima Baig’s sister also tied the knot. The songstress has been making headlines after her dance video went viral, and her sister Komal Baig’s wedding photos caught everyone’s attention on social media. The latest pictures from the wedding event has fans mesmerized!
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