Telecom engineer Mr. Naeem Younis Awan from Islamabad is missing from one day and his family needs help. Shared originally by his wife, Mrs. Umme Sarah, he was last seen working in the office situated in phase E11, Islamabad. According to his office co-workers, at around 7:15 pm, anonymous people came to look for Mr. Naeem and took him with them. He has not returned since then.
As shared by Mr. Naeem’s wife, she has not heard from the people who took her husband – no ransom call has been made so far.
Here are the Images of Mr. Naeem Shared by his Wife Umme Sarah:

Facebook: Umme Sarah

Facebook: Umme Sarah
In a Facebook Post, here’s what She Shared about her Husband:
“My Husband, Naeem Younis Awan, Telecom Engineer, Graduate from NUST, is Missing since Yesterday. We got information from his office in E11, that some people came and took him along with them last night at 7:15 PM. My Husband Is a thorough Gentleman, a reputed Professional in the industry, an ideal Husband and Father and beloved Son of his Old Parents. If any his friends/colleagues can help in tracing his whereabouts, we would be really Obliged and thankful to them. I pray to Allah that we see him back with us soon.”
To people in Islamabad: please share Mr. Naeem’s image as much as possible. The family is worried about their son, husband, and father and is praying for him to return safely. Your help is crucial at this moment.
In this time, we wish Allah keeps Mr. Naeem safe and he returns to home unharmed, Ameen.