Meet Zaid – The 16-Year-Old Boy From Gujranwala Runs His Own Business And Here’s How You Can Too!

At just 16 years old, Zaid Asghar is an inspiration to all budding entrepreneurs in the country. Zaid runs his own shop on the online shopping platform Daraz where he deals in mobile accessories and other similar products. From the developing city of Gujranwala, Zaid is the perfect example of what entrepreneurial spirit is: smart, dedicated and willing to take risks.

Zaid’s story is not without its fair share of ups and downs. When he was younger, his father passed away, leaving Zaid’s household without a breadwinner for the family. He always knew he would have to step up, aware of the duty that was soon to rest on his shoulders. Zaid’s shop on Daraz was his own idea: after having researched a fair bit, he came to the conclusion that the best way to start earning with minimal investment was an online business.

Zaid went to nearby Lahore to get the best quality products and still makes that journey with his friends whenever he needs to buy stock for his business. Now, Zaid makes enough from his business to cover his expenses including college fees and household expenses. Like other 16-year-olds, Zaid’s focus is on his education. He aspires to get into the University of Engineering & Technology, a top-tier institution in the region.

Watch how Zaid started his journey!

Zaid is proof that life becomes what you make of it. Zaid’s determination to succeed, his deep focus on his education and his acknowledgment of his family duty have all developed him into a strong and resilient 16-year-old, experienced far beyond his years.

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