Surprises, surprises! Who doesn’t love to be surprised on their birthdays? Everyone! And if we talk about celebrities celebrating their birthdays, it is no less a glamorous one. Remember Sonya Hussain’s birthday bash? The famous Pakistani, rising star, Maya Ali is now winning hearts with her brilliant talent, charming personality and grace. Maya Ali has also won the best actress award for Man Maayal and the best on-screen couple with Osman Khalid Butt for the Tv serial – Diyar-e-Dil.
To her surprise, Maya’s birthday this year was a little too surprising! Her Instagram got hacked on her birthday and the hacker has deleted most of her photos and has also unfollowed almost everyone from her account. Maya used to update her account on a daily basis and was an avid Instagram user. However, Maya has been trying to recover her account and she also updated her fans on a Facebook status regarding this incident. Here’s what she had to say:
“Guys, my official account on Instagram has been hacked, I am currently trying to recover it. However, I have not made any new account, I will make a video and update everyone when I will. Don’t worry, I’ll be back.”
Since then, several Instagram accounts have been made under Mayal Ali’s name claiming it to be the official account of Maya Ali. But, her fans will just have to wait for the video she’s going to make for her fans!
It is indeed unfortunate to experience something like this on your birthday, but nevertheless, we can hope for the best for her to recover her Instagram account and start updating her fans again! This world is cruel and we really hope the Cyber Crime department takes strict actions against such incidents. Don’t worry, Maya, we’re waiting patiently!