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Nations are people bound in bonds. And a nation becomes a mob when they no more share these bonds. As a nation, our reaction to attempts made in our lives is getting feeble by day and that for sure should be worrisome. Pakistan has remained embroiled in terrorism for so many years now and this has left us severely desensitized when it comes to the loss of lives around us instead of making us more sensitive to them.
When compared to other nations, we see stark differences between how we perceive our losses versus rest of the world. Be after Nice killings or Paris terror attacks, the world went into a shell shock and remained as such for so many days. Not taking into account the psychological side of the story and discuss whether continued terror devoid masses of their sensitivity, our response to our losses can be termed nothing but cold-blooded where any number less than 50 fails to create any ripples let alone any shock.
We’d mourn our conscience because a nation that makes a week long fuss over a motorway brawl suddenly turns a blind aye towards more than a dozen deaths in Mohmand Agency in a matter of hours. A nation is so worried about Momina Mustahsan’s relationship and has no time for these killings We’d mourn our conscience because while we were busy determining whether blood in Dhaka streets was real or not, many honor killings were swept under the carpet.
Don’t you think our priorities are misplaced?