Kareena Kapoor Khan, a Bollywood diva and mother of two, has been rather open about her pregnancies. But it has not all been hearts and flowers for the star.
In an interview with Vogue, Kareena shared how, this time around with the birth of her second child, Jeh, she has been much more relaxed.
“I was hyper and paranoid. The dogs could not enter his [Taimur’s] room, it was vacuumed ten times a day. This time around, I am much more relaxed.” Kareena added how she always knew she wanted another kid, hence, she kept all of Taimur’s things safely — for Jeh.
“I did not throw anything away. Jeh wore the same outfit home from the hospital, he sleeps in Tim’s old cot, and when we travel again, all of Tim’s winter coats and Uggs will be reused.”
For Saif, on the other hand, Jeh is the youngest of his four children, with a 25-year age difference between Sara, his oldest, and the baby. “Saif has had a child every decade — in his twenties, thirties, forties, and now in his fifties. I have told him, in your sixties, that is not happening,” Kareena commented with a laugh.
“I think only a man as broad-minded as Saif could be a father of four children at very different stages. He gives his time to them all. And now, with Jeh, we are trying to balance it out. We have made a pact that when he is shooting for a film, I will try not to work on one at the same time [and vice versa].”
Pregnancy amid a pandemic
Kareena also shared how difficult it was to be pregnant during a pandemic. “The hardest part was dealing with the fear,” she told the publication.
“I was petrified to even enter the doctor’s clinic. How can anyone be prepared or know what to expect? It was just about trying not to get Covid and to protect the baby.” Nonetheless, her fears did not stop the trolls from going after her.
“This time around I was judged a lot more. ‘She is carrying a baby in Covid and working, and being lackadaisical.’ They did not see that I was taking all the precautions and trying to make myself feel better. And I don’t think these statements should be made, anyway,” the Jab We Met star remarked.
Talking about her both pregnancies, Kareena shared, “With both Tim [Taimur] and Jeh, the pregnancies have been dramatically different and I wanted to document that. So we have touched upon topics that I don’t know if any actor would be comfortable talking about. The weight gain, of course, but also the changes that take place in the body and about the intimate relationship between husband and wife, and how it is impacted.”
Read More: Kareena Kapoor Slams Bollywood’s Hypocrisy On Age Gaps In Movies
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