Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $55 Million For Spreading Cancer

Having just lost its second court case in less than three months, Johnson & Johnson’s bank account looks a little light these days.

Johnson's Baby Powder Loses Court Case Over Cancer

The company responsible for all your childhood memories using the “No tears” shampoo – which by the way, GAVE A LOT OF US TEARS – has been court ordered to pay a woman $55 million dollars.

Johnson's Baby Powder Loses Court Case Over Cancer

Gloria Ristesund, the woman who claimed the hefty compensation package, claimed that using Johnson’s Baby Powder and Shower to Shower Powder as feminine hygiene products caused her to develop ovarian cancer.

Johnson's Baby Powder Loses Court Case Over Cancer

Having used the powders for years on her genitals, her ovarian cancer required her to undergo a hysterectomy and several other related surgeries. The company has no warning on their products relating to the relation of using talcum powder on genitals, despite knowing the cancer risk of the powder and its usage.

Johnson's Baby Powder Loses Court Case Over Cancer

While the American Cancer Society has yet to pass the claim that products containing talcum powder are cancerous, another case was launched against  Johnson and Johnson earlier this year. The company was ordered to pay $72 million to the family of Jackie Fox who died of ovarian cancer in 2015.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has also said the talcum powder might “possibly be carcinogenic”, but till then, REFRAIN FROM USING TALCUM POWDER IN SENSITIVE, INTERNAL AREAS: AROUND THE GENITALS AND THE MOUTH.

Source: Getty Images

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