Japan Sets the Record for the Fastest Internet with a Speed of 402 Tbps, 1.6 Million Faster Than the US Medium

Japan Sets the Record for the Fastest Internet with a Speed of 402 Tbps, 1.6 Million Faster Than the US Medium

Japanese researchers have set a new record. The research team reached a new high in data transmission – Internet speed. The new record set amounts to 420 Tbps – 1.6 million times faster than the average US medium.

The Photonic-Network-Laboratory at Japan’s-National-Institute-of-Information-and-Communications-Technology (NICT) deployed traditional optic fibers with varying transmission bands with varying amplification technologies.

NICT recorded a statement “The newly developed technology is expected to make a significant contribution to expand the communication capacity of the optical communication infrastructure as future data services rapidly increase demand.”

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However, NICT believes that the new technology is still not applicable for commercial use.

New record-setting data transmission will allow users to download 12,500 films in a single second, which is three times larger than the whole Netflix database. Moreover, games like Call of Duty Ops 6 are in a millisecond. Furthermore, the USA’s broadband average speed amounts to 248.27 Mbps and an upload speed of 34.23 Mbps. So, the Japanese team’s new record stands three times faster.

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