Being Muslims, marriage is considered as a sacred bond in our lives. It is not an ordinary relationship that one can continue or leave as per their will or want. Islam gives wives and husbands, together, a combined status of respect and adoration. Marriage in Islam is done in an orthodox way, which is being practiced all over the world for ages.
With marriage being so important in a Muslim’s life, it is best if we know the basics about what is halal and what is haram when it comes to marriage, in the light of our beautiful religion.

A Muslim man is allowed to see the woman he tends to propose marriage with before the ordeal takes place because without knowing your future partner, it wouldn’t be the right way. This is to be sure that no issues on physical features or any other sort are felt later on, with regrets.
Muslim reported Abu Hurairah as saying that a man came to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and told him that he had contracted to marry a woman of the Ansar. “Did you look at her?” the Prophet (PBUH) asked. “No,” he said, ‘Then go and look at her,’ said the Prophet (PBUH), ‘for there is something in the eyes of the Ansar,’ meaning that some of them have a defect of their eyes Al-Mughira ibn Shu’bah said, I asked for a woman in marriage and Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) asked me whether I had looked at her. When I replied that I had not, he said ‘Then look at her, for it may produce love between you.’ I went to her parents and informed them of the Prophet’s advice. They seemed to disapprove of the idea. Their daughter heard the conversation from her room and said, ‘If the Prophet (PBUH) has told you to look at me, then look.’ I looked at her, and subsequently, I married her. (Reported by Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, and Darimi)

It is considered as haram for a Muslim man to ask for a divorced or widowed woman in marriage during her period of iddah (waiting period where you cannot remarry). A message or desire for a message, however, can be conveyed through indirect hints or suggestions, it may not be done through an explicit proposal. “And there is no blame on you in what you proclaim or hide in your minds concerning betrothal to women” (2:235)
The consent of the girl is another important aspect of marriage. The girl’s father or guardian does not have the right to ignore her wishes or objections upon the proposal. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that a woman who has been previously married has more right concerning her person than her guardian, and a virgin’s consent must be asked about herself, her consent being her silence. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

The women, to whom marriage is prohibited for a Muslim man, and is considered haram is to the mother including the grandmothers on both sides., the daughter including the granddaughters from the son or daughter, the sister including the half, and step-sisters, the aunts and the nieces. Other than them, Islam does not allow a Muslim man to marry his foster mother, cannot keep two sisters as co-wives, the mother in law, a woman who does not have her previous husband’s consent, Mushrik women, Jews and women who are involved in prostitution.
These are the basic laws set down by Islam on a Muslim man on who to marry and who he cannot lay eyes on for marriage. Many people confuse traditions with religion and end up being part of a forbidden marriage which has no place in Islam.
Source: IslamHerald