People Questioned Why Imran Khan’s Sons Didn’t Attend the Oath and Jemima Stepped In!

Imran Khan’s oath taking ceremony finally took place yesterday and oh boy, what a thrill it was. The efforts and fights of Khan for 22 years became real and Pakistanis, especially those who voted for him, couldn’t have been happier.

From his former teammates to his friends from across the border, Imran Khan’s oath ceremony was graced with such love. While everyone was over the moon to see their leader finally get the PM-ship, criticism was also extremely high.

From mocking Bushra Bibi’s attire to making fun of the fumbles Khan made during his oath-taking in khaalis Urdu, the mood was ruined and well, let’s just leave that.

Among a few things people were talking about or just asking, the absence of Khan’s sons’ was mentioned as well. Khan has two sons and both of them leave in UK with their mother Jemima Goldsmith. Pretty often, we see them Khan; it is either them in Pakistan or Khan with them in UK.

However, At the Oath Ceremony, His Sons Did Not Come

But Reminders of their Involvement Were Shared

But People Still Felt Confused On How No Family Member Came to the Ceremony

And Then Jemima Stepped Forward to Clear All the Confusions!

In three tweets, the former wife of Imran Khan shared that the father did not allow his sons to attend the oath ceremony.

Well, given how Imran Khan’s personal life is always subjected to some controversy, it might have been the same thing to do. Neither his sons nor the family of Bushra Bibi was seen attending the oath, so that seems well-balanced to avoid any drama.

Let’s see how the first 100 days of Naya Pakistan go!

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