Prime Minister Imran Khan, despite testing positive for COVID-19 was reportedly seen holding a meeting with his media team in Bani Gala on Thursday. And, Pakistanis cannot believe their eyes.
PM Khan received his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Thursday. However, two days later, he tested positive for the novel virus.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of National Health Services clarified that the premier was not “fully vaccinated” when he contracted the virus. The ministry clarified that the premier had only received the first dose of the vaccine and that too merely two days prior to contracting the virus.
When supposed to be isolating, the premier held a meeting today with his media team in Bani Gala. Earlier today, Federal Minister Shibli Faraz shared a picture from the meeting on Twitter.
It is pertinent to mention that PM Imran attended a security conference held in Islamabad before he contracted the virus. A large number of people had attended that event. However, he reportedly went on to address the conference without wearing a mask.
In addition to this, he also attended another gathering to inaugurate a housing project for poor people in a similar fashion on Friday last week. While a day later, he contracted the novel COVID-19. Needless to say, it was bound to happen.
Nonetheless, now that it has happened, COVID-19 positive patients are supposed to isolate themselves. In fact, even the ones that you have met prior to testing positive are recommended to be quarantined.
On Saturday, Dr. Faisal Sultan, his aide on health, said that PM is “self-isolating at home.” However, he did not give further details as to whether people who have been in contact with PM would also be isolating. But how is this self-isolation?
Pakistani Twittersphere is lambasting the premier for his ignorance
Well, how ignorant does one have to be to risk the lives of others? Needless to say, this is highly irresponsible of him, being a personality who people look up to, he is definitely setting the worst example for the public. This is exactly how you mislead the nation. Meanwhile, you must also watch out for these seven new COVID-19 symptoms.
It must be noted that vaccines require two doses. Moreover, immunity does not happen immediately after vaccination. In fact, it typically takes about 2 weeks for your body to build up immunity. Because of this, you can still become ill during this time frame, which is what landed PM Imran in this unfortunate condition.
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