Here’s What You Can Do If Your Workplace Gives You Unbearable Stress!

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When a worker experiences overwhelming anxiety, irritation, frustration, impatience, and problematic thoughts, it’s often a result of stressors apparently released due to work overload. The reasons could either be their relative incompetence to the nature of the work or the stake of something they love doing.

Either way, its volume scares them. Other potential reasons include low salary, office politics, competition among co-workers, domestic problems, meeting deadlines, health problems, and many others. However, it’s normal to feel stressed as it’s an innate defense response against external influences.

It often seems difficult to manage stress. However, managing it can lead to better outputs, meeting targets, staying healthy and an overall upgraded lifestyle.

Here are a few tips to help cope with workplace stress.

1. Recognize The Stress Factors

As enlisted above, different factors influence the workers in a distinct way. You first need to find out what your stressor is and then try fixing it. Ask yourself a few questions: Is the job worth continuing? Are you getting paid enough for all your hard work? What stresses you the most? Is it the deadline you fail to meet every time? Troublesome boss? Or do you not like the nature of the job?

When done identifying, proceed to eradicate.

Source: Giphy

2. Fight Procrastination

In an article “Procrastination’s Impact in the Workplace and the Workplace’s Impact on Procrastination”, published on Research Gate, 2013, Brenda found that procrastination rate is higher in workers who are under-paid, fear unemployment, or works part-time than the ones doing a full-time job.

Procrastination is found to be the core reason for the workers to be less productive. Potential distractions, tangible or non-tangible can both be blamed but not more than the individual choosing to procrastinate.

Proper time management and scheduling help retain the focus. Don’t over-burden yourself with a heap of work rather break the task in small segments, take tiny breaks in between and relax. Avoid possible distractions, keep your work desk clean and focus on one task at a time. You don’t need to get engaged in any fruitless activity and put yourself under self-built stress.

Remember that procrastination is a choice where you voluntarily submit your mind to something less attention-worthy!

3. Meditate And Relax

Source: Inc

Try meditation. Start with 5 minutes daily and relax. Every part of your body responds to the relief you provide it. Take deep breaths, inhale while tensing the feet muscles, exhale while releasing the tense in feet muscles. Repeat for a few minutes.

4. Do Not Compromise Your Sleep

Get enough sleep to help your brain function at its best. Staying up late affects the neurons so bad that if the sleep pattern isn’t altered timely, it diminishes the ability to focus, make decisions, and think rationally. This consequently, triggers the release of more stressors leading to insomnia and the circle goes on.

According to Hirshkowits, Procrastination’s Impact in the Workplace and the Workplace’s Impact on Procrastination, Journal of national sleep foundation, 2015: “An average duration of sleep for young adults and adults, is 7 to 9 hours.”

He further enunciates that those whose sleep pattern shows frequent wide deviations from this range are likely to experience serious health problems. A night of good and balanced sleep doesn’t waste your time, rather it promotes your mental efficacy.

Source: Pinterest

5. Learn To Say “No”

Understand your limits and set boundaries. You don’t have to feel any shame in saying no to any extra work that is exceeding your set limit. Quality over quantity should be your new rule. Forcing yourself into something you have zero capacity for is harmful to both your overall health as well as your reputation.

6. Seek Psychological Help:

It’s always a good idea to see a professional counselor and try finding out new and creative ways to cope with unmanageable tension that has the potential to get on your nerves. Nip it in the bud and unleash the joy of speaking your heart out to a trustable professional.

Your body has specific defense responses to stress which frequently cause mood swings, anxiety, headaches or irritability. If left untreated, they could lead to heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Nonetheless, never forget a routine checkup! Don’t let the excessive workload affect your health. In order to keep yourself healthy and more constructive, exercise daily, eat healthily, avoid high carb foods, eat more fibers, cut down on sugar, and include green vegetables, fresh seasonal fruits, and a detox drink to your diet and you’re all set to go!

Good Luck!

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