Leading television actor Hira Mani was robbed at gunpoint outside her house on Saturday in Karachi. The starlet confirmed the news on her social media. Feeling no resentment towards the muggers, the Mere Paas Tum Ho actor dropped a message to the muggers on social media, saying: “Dear mobile snatcher, I forgive you.”
Mani, 32, shared the CCTV footage of the unfortunate occurring on her Instagram stories. The video showed two men on bikes ambushing her car outside of her own home in Defence Housing Authority (DHA). Moreover, the video shows the actor’s sons getting off of the car just when the robbers arrived.
As per Mani’s update on the unfortunate event, the robbers stole her cell phone, along with other costly belongings. While sharing the videos, she relayed how her son Ibrahim became a source of distraction for the thieves.
But grateful they did not pose any physical harm to her children or her, Mani dropped a message to the muggers on social media. While citing a dialogue from her drama serial Do Bol about the incident, Mani wrote, “Ja Tujhe Maaf Kiya Mera Mobile Cheennay Walay [Dear mobile snatcher, I forgive you].”
Upon receiving information, police reached her residence and recorded the statement of her guard. Police said the CCTV footage had been obtained and further investigations are underway with its help.
Here is the CCTV footage
Fellow fraternity members have since been sharing their sympathies with the actor while her fans have expressed concern over the escalating cases of street crimes in Karachi.
During the first three months of 2021, Karachiites entangled in armed robberies and snatching at gunpoint. No district of the city remains safe from the reach of criminals. In fact, criminal activities, robbery, in particular, have risen to record levels in the city ever since the COVID-19 pandemic took over. Every now and then, videos of robbers looting some innocent citizens in broad daylight.
It is perhaps the incompetence and failure of the government, police, and law enforcement agencies to be blamed. The current situation should be taken seriously and the government should provide protection to the people of Karachi. Not only that but it should also take practical steps against the elements involved in crime.
Earlier, a suspected robber in looting a citizen near Power House Chowrangi of Surjani Town was caught and tortured by local residents, whereas, his accomplice managed to flee from the scene. The Karachiites thrashed the criminal whose attempt to snatch the bike and mobile failed. Moreover, in another similar incident last month, an angry driver crushed street criminals with his car for robbing a man.
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