This Girl Uploaded Her Picture On Snapchat And What Her Friends Did Next Is What We Call Goals!

In the course of life, we come across all types of friends in this world. For starters:

The One Who Is Always There For You

The type of friend we all adore. They will bring us food when we broke or hungry. They will look after our kids whenever needed – they’ll be the perfect Godfather/Godmother to be precise. And they will be our confidant in everything. Conclusively, their definition of friendship means no expectations whatsoever and they will do whatever it takes to make you happy. That is their love.

The One That Goes Away

They are like the eclipse – we love them, they love us too, but they disappear too often. Eventually, they remember about us and they will come back again and all will be good.

We miss their presence in our lives the most but we know that’s how they operate and we know we can never let go of them. Like EVER.

The Most Reliable One

Even if they are not there 24/7, you know they will always be there when you need them the most. They are the perfect friends too. They give you a shoulder to cry on. You can always complain to them about how bad your day was, relationship (or relationshit hehe) or even your job. They will give you advice, tell you to rest your head on their shoulder and will tell you that, “eventually, it will all be okay” and that is what you wanted.

These friends may not be even your best friends, but they will always be there for you when you need them the most.

The Kamina Friend Who Screenshots Everything

Twitter: @Hanadi_128

Twitter: @Hanadi_128

Life without these friends would be incomplete – literally. They add fun to your life. They make a single joke a meme of your lifetime. They know how to make you smile or laugh when you need it the most. For example, this girl’s friend took screenshots of her image and made memes out of it.

“When your husband takes his shirt off on your wedding night and you find out he has 4 nipples”

Twitter: @Hanadi_128

Twitter: @Hanadi_128

“When your husband asks if he can have 3 more wives”

Twitter: @Hanadi_128

Twitter: @Hanadi_128


Twitter: @Hanadi_128

Twitter: @Hanadi_128

Literally, life without friends is incomplete, especially when you don’t have anyone to make these hilarious memes out of your pictures.


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