Here’s How Our Lovely Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr

Every Muslim around the world waits earnestly for this day. Eid-ul-Fitr that comes after the last day of Ramadan is the day of celebration. Everyone dresses up in nice clothes, meet their relatives, go to the mosque to offer Eid namaz, eat food, and spend time with their family. There are a lot of other things that Muslims do, depending on their own cultural values. Some go out to watch movies, some go out to eat, while some make sure they follow the Islamic way to celebrate this beautiful day.

While you’re home, due to lockdown, surfing through the internet, trying to find a way to enjoy this day a little more, let’s look into the ways of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). Let’s see how he celebrated this day. After all, we are to follow his footsteps, and this might be the right time to learn His ways of celebrating Eid.

Eid ul fitr Sunnah Prophet

Du’a to make on the night of Eid

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “There are five nights on which dua is not rejected: the first night of Rajab, the fifteenth night of Sha`ban, Thursday night, the night before Eid al-Fitr and the night before Eid al-Nahr (al-Adha).” (As-Suyuti)

Take a bath before performing Namaz-e-Eid

As Muslims, cleanliness is half faith and a fundamental part of Islam. On this subject, Ibn ’Abbas narrated, “The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to have a bath on the day of Fitr.”[Ibn Majah]

It is more important nowadays because, given the coronavirus situation, it is very important to keep oneself neat and tidy. We aren’t sure about going to the mosque amidst the viral threat, we do however advise to especially take care of one’s hygiene. This way, the chances of getting affected or affecting the other would be eliminated. We are encouraged to do the same. In doing so, we make sure that the gatherings we become a part of, and other family festivities are an enjoyable affair.

Eating before leaving for Eid prayer

Before leaving for the namaz of Eid-ul-Fitr, it is a known Sunnah to eat some dates before the prayer so as not to extend the fast. Our Prophet (PBUH) did not leave his house on the day of Eid until he had devoured dates. Another Sunnah is to eat dates in odd numbers. If never before, let’s follow his Sunnah this year.

Eid Sunnah Prophet

Putting on scent – Ittar

Just as our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) applied scent (ittar) on Eid occasions, it would be Sunnah if men also do the same. This is done to create a pleasant aura in the mosque. Also, applying any sort of scent is considered a part of hygiene now. Try to carry a mild smell of ittar to your body so that those who don’t like a specific scent, aren’t repulsed to meet you, after the prayer.


When you’re on the way to the mosque, it will a Sunnah if you recite Takbeer-ul-Eid softly under our breath. The Eid Takbeer is:

‘Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La Ilaaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahil Hamd’

Hugging and congratulating each other

On Eid day, we say ‘Eid Mubarak’ and greet each other the day of Eid – the much anticipated day of Eid. The next moment, you expect some money as Eidi from your elders. And if you’re an adult, you have to do the honors. However, a more righteous way to greet each other on this occasion would be to take the example of the Sahabah (R.A).

It was narrated by Jubayr ibn Nufayr (R.A), that the Sahabah (R.A) used to greet each other on the day of Eid with this way:

‘Taqabbal Allaahu Minnaa Wa Minka.’ It means ‘May Allah accept (the fast and worship) from us and from you’. (Fathul-Bari)

Taking a different route to Namaz-e-Eid

This is probably something that no one knows about and is quite interesting. As narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah, “On the Day of Eid, the Prophet (PBUH) used to return after offering the Eid prayer through a way different from that by which he went.” (Bukhari)

Now the question is, why did Prophet (PBUH) do this? The reason behind taking a different route is so that, on The Day of Judgement, the two paths you took will testify your act of attending Namaz-e-Eid.

Eid ul fitr Sunnah Prophet

Must perform Namaz-e-Eid

It is stressed on several occasions that namaz-e-Eid must not be missed under any circumstances. It is a fundamental part of Eid festivities hence every Muslim must offer this prayer or else their Eid will be incomplete.

As narrated by Abdullah bin Umar, ‘Allah’s Apostle used to offer the prayer of Eid-ul-Adha and Eid-ul-Fitr and then deliver the Khutbah after the prayer’. (Bukhari)

Zakat al-Fitr

Lastly, every Muslim needs to make sure that they have paid their Zakat al-Fitr (Fitrana) before the start of Eid prayers. It is a compulsory step for all members of your household which includes the children as well as the elderly. Make sure that it is not neglected and everyone pays their part.  Nothing can make up for it if it gets neglected by the Muslims.

We would like to wish Muslims a wonderful Eid-ul-Fitr with lots of celebrations. We hope that you practice, if not all, then some of these Sunnah and make sure the Muslims in your household also follow them. Make sure you share this valuable information with everyone who doesn’t yet know of the Sunnah way to observe Eid. May Allah (SWT) accept all of our fasts and prayers and bring us all endless joy on this blessed day.

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