A week back, a young girl from Karachi named Dua Mangi was taken from outside an eatery in Karachi. The 20-year-old was walking with her friend Haris Fatah Soomro when a car came near them. Four armed men shot Haris, before kidnapping Dua Mangi and taking her away.
Finally, after a week’s struggle and pain, Dua Mangi has finally returned home, sources from the family have confirmed. However, the family does not want to reveal any details of the incident. Maybe the family will comment on the incident and its details later.
Civil society had been praying for Dua’s safe return, including holding countless protests. Moreover, there were many conspiracies that became a part of the incident. Initially, people close to Dua had claimed that a guy named Muzaffar had been bothering Dua and he was behind the kidnapping. It was believed that Dua had befriended Muzaffar in the USA and the loss of contact was not taken kindly by him.
In addition, Dua Mangi’s friend Haris Fatah Soomro has been struggling in the hospital as well. The young boy was shot in the neck by the kidnappers, but it is now being believed that he has given his statement to the police.
With Dua Mangi’s safe return home, lots of questions have erupted as well. The claim of Dua’s family that kidnappers had demanded ransom needs to be confirmed as well. Furthermore, if Dua’s family paid the 4 crore demand to the kidnappers, that information needs to be made public.
It is the right of civil society now to have each and every detail of the upscale kidnapping in Karachi’s DHA. If the case is quietly closed, there will be similar incidents like these in the future. In order to keep families and young girls safe, the police need to find the culprits regardless of whether ransom money was paid or not.
As of now, Dua Mangi’s safe return home is warming every heart in the country. Concerned people had even thought about starting a GoFundMe for Dua’s safe return. If Karachi’s DHA is not safe for women, then who will protect us in underdeveloped parts of the city?
This incident is a huge point of concern and a test-case for the future. When Dua was picked up, a lot of negative commentaries were also made on her attire. People had been discussing the way she carried herself as well. For now, let us leave the family with the contentment of reuniting with their precious daughter.