In a peculiar incident on Saturday night, an allegedly drunk woman and her male friend in Lahore’s Defence Housing Authority (DHA) created an uproar, assaulting and abusing a police officer outside a restaurant. A case has been registered against the suspect in the Defence B Police Station.
Subsequent to footage of the drunk woman, who was allegedly intoxicated, went viral on Saturday night as she assaults the police who booked the suspect lahore. In the bizarre video, the woman can be seen thrashing and hurling abuse at policemen outside a high end restaurant in Lahore’s DHA.
According to the authorities, the woman had first misbehaved with the staff of the café before coming on the street outside. In addition to this, the police officials say that the ruckus began when they both left the restaurant.
Reportedly, the guard of the restaurant asked the woman to stop drinking an alcoholic beverage in public. However, both of them got into a heated argument after the woman refused to do so so. Seeing the fuss, the nearby police stopped by to end the uproar.
More so, the police said that they tried to calm her down but to no avail. The intoxicated woman went wild and began slapping the police officials. In fact, she went on to tear the uniform of one of the officers who was trying to calm her down.
People from the surroundings gathered at the scene and began filming the ongoing scuffle. In a video making rounds on social media, the duo can be seen inflicting torture on the cop. As he tried to avoid a confrontation, they ran after him with the woman attempting to slap him. The constable, however, kept his calm.
Watch the bizarre video here
Later, the suspect and her friend then sat in their car and left the site. After the incident’s video surfaced on multiple social media platforms, Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Umar Sheikh took notice of the incident. In addition to this, he has instructed an inquiry against her.
“I have appreciated the officers for not responding to the woman despite her attacks,” he said, adding that the woman will be arrested as soon as possible.
In a slightly similar incident earlier, amidst the malls following the revised timings as per the smart lockdown, a woman in Karachi decided to go to one and slapped a guard for not opening the barrier before its opening time. The woman was seen hurling abuses at a security guard of a mall in Karachi.
A number of similar cases have piled up. Last year, a man was recorded misbehaving with the on-duty police official. Sadly, misbehaving with the cops has become strangely common these days.
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