Being a Pakistani we have always heard a series of different myths and stories throughout our childhood and till our adolescence. Probably we will be hearing them till we pass away to eternity. However, the funny thing is that no matter how much someone says they are false myths, deep inside we all believe them.
What are desi myths?
Myths are basically false beliefs or tell-tale stories that are part of one’s culture for a long time. They become a custom or ongoing folklore. However, when we talk about Pakistani desi myths things just bounce up a notch. We desi’s take everything to the next level, from snapping scissors in the air to folding the corner of the prayer mat to ensure the devil doesn’t pray on it. Pakistani desi myths are a house full.
Not only are they entertaining and funny, but they are also beyond hilarious at some point if you think about them logically. Here are ten of the funniest myths that we all grew up hearing and still believe in subconsciously.

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1. Snapping scissors can cause fights
Uh-oh! Don’t let your mom see you snapping scissors in the air. Unless you are craving one of her flying-chappals, it is best advised that you refrain from doing so. One of the most common and widely spread myth is snapping of scissors can cause fights. Now if you are truly in need of a good fight or a flying chappal in case you get caught, we suggest you stay away!

Source: Google
2. If you leave the prayer mat unfolded the devil will pray on it
Beware, people! The devil is always near. And if we leave the prayer mat unfolded, well let’s just say, he might use that opportunity to pray. Now, if we thinking logically, isn’t that a good thing? If the devil prays to our God? But then again don’t ask this unless you want a good beating or bad lashing.

Source: Google
3. Sitting loosely is a bad omen (for girls)

Source: Google
If you sit loosely you will get rid of a ‘good rishta’. As if we are waiting for one. To be honest, girls sit however you like, no rules needed, just make sure no elderly ‘aunty’ is nearby unless you are craving another mind-numbing lecture, then, by all means, slouch on the couch to your heart’s content.
4. Eating from the pot will cause a thunderstorm on your wedding day
Did you just eat from the pot? Do you want a thunderstorm on your wedding? As absurd it may sound, this is one of the most common and hilarious myth to date. Not only is it illogical, but the thought of rain on your wedding day does sound a bit romantic. Little drizzling, birds chirping, wedding bells, to us, that looks like a truly beautiful fantasy wedding don’t you think?

Source: Google
5. hiccups – someone is missing you.
Being born in a desi family. You must have outgrown this one. It is so common, that even before you have taken your first hiccup, you are already hoping it is from either your crush or a good friend that you have been missing. We hate to break it to you, sometimes, it is just because you need a little bit of water or you are less on oxygen.

Source: Google
6. Breaking glassware is good luck
Being a part of a desi home it is more likely that you have seen the wrath of the ‘mighty flying chappal’ because glassware from your mother’s ‘jahez’ slipped from your hand and broke. Although it might be very heartbreaking for your mother, broken glassware actually is a sign of good luck. Well, it is more likely to be a sign that your mom is going to ground you but then again, desi’s are desi’s after all.

Source: Google
7. Left Eye twitching – Something bad is going to happen

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If you are having a twitching eye it’s not just because you might have some medical issue oh no! In a desi family, this is the time when all the green chilies, eggs and all that you can find to cleanse you from the evil eye are going to be used. Trust us, left eye twitching isn’t a medical condition in a desi home. No no! It is a sign of bad omens your way.
8. Drink milk after fish- welcome skin diseases

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This one is weird and has been fed to us *Pun intended* so many times that we don’t really know what it feels like to have warm milk after eating fish. And for one, it isn’t a good time to go testing it now. We have enough problems already.
9. Itch in right-hand means money coming your way
Is it ever so, that your right-hand starts itching? The palm to be more precise? Is it itching right now? If so, boy you are about to get rich. Well, that’s what we have heard till now, isn’t it? Let’s be honest we have used this trick many times to get a buck or two from our elders. If you are the youngest in your family, we suggest trying this trick on Eid or near your birthday.

Source: Google
10. A crow is cawing like crazy means guests are on their way

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You wake up one fine morning. And you look out the window and see the crow cawing, cawing. Although, his melodious tone might annoy you. In a desi home, it means guests are on their way. So quite your yawning and start cleaning that mess you have in your house. Because the mighty crow knows everything. Right? Or does it?
What do you think of the story? Tell us in the comments section below.