Want To Be A Part Of CPEC Internship Program? Here’s How You Can Apply In 7 Steps

cpec internships

The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) allows not only to inculcate be open to a series of growth and development opportunities for both Pakistan and China. As a matter of fact, CPEC just introduced an internship program to empower the youth of Pakistan, not only is this a great opportunity to apply in but it also ensures a steady career development in the future.

In order to apply in the internship program, CPEC has introduced a series of seven simple steps that are to be followed and can help you in applying for the program.

cpec internship

Source: Twitter

Here is how you can apply and be a part of the CPEC Internship Program.

Step 1: Apply online by filling out the form

The first and most important step of the CPEC internship is to apply on the given website. The website link is www.cpecauthority.gov.pk.

Once the applicant clicks on the link, he will be transported to a Google form.

Step 2: Filling out the Google form

The Google form will comprise filling the main details of the information needed. This means the basic biodata of the applicant. From his or her CNIC number to all your basic details.

Step 3: Shortlisting of candidates will be done on the basis of CV

It is to note that all candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their experience and there Curriculum Vitae (CV). Each of the shortlisted candidates will receive an email.

Step 4: Shortlisted candidates will submit an essay

All the shortlisted candidates will have to then either write or make a video essay of about 500 to 650 words.

Step 5: For queries, a contact email is provided

For any query, the applicant can always email the respective authorities through, info@cpecauthority.gov.pk

Step 6: Date of commencement of the program

Finally, the CPEC internship program will commence from October 2020 and will end in December 2020. So it will be an internship comprising of a lot of learning opportunities and career development for the youth.

Step 7: Applications are open now

Lastly, CPEC internship applications are open now and all those below the age of 30 years can apply in the program.

The best part about the CPEC Internship Program is that it gives a chance to all the youth to partake in and also opens up opportunities for them.

We are truly amazed and thankful to Pakistan and China for providing us with this opportunity and hope to get so many more; because an empowered and strengthened youth is just what Pakistan needs to grow and prosper!


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