Actor Ayesha Omar launched her own ‘natural’ beauty line on Monday. She could not have chosen a better date to launch her first beauty line other than the International Women’s Day! Many celebs and close friends of the 39-year-old star showed up to support her at the launch event.
Earlier, teaser for Ayesha Omar’s new beauty line launch, called Ayesha O Beauty, were posted on Instagram and showed her standing in a field wearing a flowy, white dress. The brand promises to “nudge you gently towards natural, lasting and true beauty”.
Ayesha O Beauty is a beauty line but will heavily focus on skincare and wellness. As it appears, Omar is bringing her own experience with skincare products and the industry to the table.
The Bulbulay actor is not the first to initiate the idea of ‘organic’ products but claims her brand to be “100% natural” as well as vegan, cruelty-free, paraben-free and sulphate-free. In addition to this, the pure concept of the brand is wellness and so, Omar will be endorsing wellness through it. The products are expected to be priced in the mid-range.
On Monday, the Karachi Se Lahore star launched her own line of organic beauty products and hosted a star-studded launch event in Karachi. A number of renowned celebs were spotted at the glamorous event. We gathered a few clicks from the event to give you a little sneak peek into it.
Check it out!
Maestro designer Maheen Khan spotted in an uber-chick look
Actor Annie Jaffery showed up in a simple yet elegant black dress
Omar’s best friend and veteran actor Maria Wasti also joined
How could Azfar Rahman have missed an opportunity to support his best friend?
Chupan Chupai star Ahsan khan chose an Eastern look for the event
Actor and director, Angeline Malik was also there to extend support to Omar
Actor Momal Sheikh also attended the event
Here’s the star of the show – Ayesha Omar glowing in every picture!
From being an excellent host, to actor, model, painter, and singer, the stunning Omar is known to be a go-getter. We extend out best wishes to Omar for her new venture. Like always, she will make a mark for herself in the business world too!
Lots of other celebrities have launched their own beauty and clothing lines, branching out from acting and music. Urwa and Mawra Hocane launched their own clothing line named UxM, while Komal Rizvi launched skincare brand Truly Komal.
Read More: Ayesha Omar’s Recent Summer Traveling Spree Is Giving Us All Some Serious Goals!
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