Unprecedented Brain Drain puts Pakistan’s Future in jeopardy. 700,000 People Moving Abroad for a Better Future

Unprecedented Brain Drain puts Pakistan's Future in jeopardy. 700,000 People moving abroad

Political and economic instability has pushed Pakistan’s future into uncertainty. Over 700,000 educated people have left Pakitan in the last five months. Moreover, in the last four years, there has been a steady increase in brain drain in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, the brain drain in Pakistan has increased. In the last four years, Pakistan saw a steady increase in people moving abroad. Surprisingly, Pakitan’s brain drain increased by 48% in the last five months alone.

Additionally, Pakistan’s Bureau of Immigration and Overseas Employment shared KSA’s data issuing most visas to Pakistanis. UAE stands next in line. Meanwhile, Deputy Director Abdul Shakoor Soomro further pointed to the rising opportunities in the US and Europe.

Meanwhile, stats for 2021-2022, alone points to scary figures. 3 times more increase, from 225,000 to 765,000. Most of the immigrants include doctors, engineers, and IT experts.

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