Online trolling and bullying has intensified to the point that several victims have committed suicide. In Pakistan, celebrities are mercilessly targeted and trolled. Apparently, their fame and wealth automatically make them indifference to all the hate they receive online. This is the mindset of these spiteful users that have a holier-than-thou attitude passing all sorts of judgments on celebs that post their moments on different social media platforms.
Ayesha Omar- a famous actress and host have been targeted for times that are too many to count. Her recent Instagram posts of her vacationing garnered massive hate. The mullah-brigade, women-shaming-women-brigade, farigh-insecure-brigade and several other kinds combined their forces of extreme negativity and poured it all on-to her pictures.
Exhibit A:
It clearly got to her to the point that she decided to make her account private and only share her special moments with the ones that matter the most; which are her close family and friends.
People Have Nothing Better To Do Than Rain On Other’s Parade.
She uploaded stories of her having the best time and had to delete them because people didn’t approve of it. Check out Ayesha Omar having one heck of a time.
Ayesha Shared A Message On Her Insta Story Addressing All The Naysayers.
“So I’ve deleted all my stories, the ones with all the DJ’s and music,” said Ayesha. She continued, “Thanks to all your hate, I’ll be making a private Instagram account very soon and that’s where I’ll share those with my friends and family. Should’ve done it sooner actually. Don’t need none of them negative vibes in my life.”
The Fans And Friends Showed Her A lot Of Support Encouraging Her To Keep Posting As She Please.
“Friends have been replying all day to my story post about not posting vacation stories. My DM is full of loving supportive messages. But I Just went through a few messages from fans in my other dm folder. There are thousands and thousands of messages sending so much love and support and asking me to not stop posting my travel videos, (especially the ones with music),” Said Ayesha.
Furthermore, she said, “It’s actually quite heartwarming. It’s making me feel extremely emotional and loved. Thank you, my fan family, for all the love, light and positive vibes you’re sending my way. It means so much.”
Her message is a clear indication of how much she was affected by online bullying and trolling. The rules are quite simple, if you don’t like it, leave. No one needs to hear or read your spiteful and malicious comments.
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