Zohra Yusuf is an activist and journalist working on Human Rights, Media and Women’s Rights issues. Currently serving as Chairperson of the...
Here are some of the most annoying people you will meet on Whatsapp 1. They are literally ALWAYS online: 2. So it’s...
1. Load Shedding We all understand this struggle. 2. Waking up for Fajr It happens to the best of us. 3. Making...
Being a woman in Pakistan can at times be challenging, we often start wishing that we had the same privileges as men...
The entire Muslim ummah fasts, but the behavior of every Pakistani during the day while fasting is the most unusual one! Enjoy! 1....
Irrespective of the socio-economic group and background they belong to… every Pakistani girl must have heard these things a number of times. Trust...
1. Desperate for Answers Wait! The Sunday Bazaar shut down? What? How? When?!!! 2. Denial It can’t be true. This isn’t happening!...
Pakistani Teenagers… This is your dating Bible… 1. Two Separate Facebook Profiles… One For Friends, One For Family Making two separate Facebook...
“When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch.” ― Bette Davis 1. A...