Many of Pakistani celebrities tied their knot last year including Farhan Saeed and Urwa Hocane, Abdul Hadi and Yasra Rizvi, Qassam Jaffri and Sanam Jung. And the wedding season is still going on. The recent pictures of the dholki of Aiman Khan and Muneeb Butt is a proof to that. The cutie pie couple was in a relationship for many years and openly announced it many times during different TV shows, unlike other actors.
Muneeb Butt started his career with modeling and very soon entered into the drama industry because of his charming looks. He also worked in a movie to boost his fan following.
The “Biya” of Mann Mayal, Aiman Khan tried her luck in drama industry and within a short time span, got the attention of senior directors who cast her without thinking twice.
The news of Aiman affiliated with Muneeb was circulated in the drama industry before they could say something, their parents announced their engagement on the morning show. And here comes the day finally!
So, the wait is over guys! Here are the images of the latest event of the dholki of #aimanmuneeb
Shopping Time!
And Then The First Dholki Is All Set
Family Time
Here Comes The Twin Sister
The Cutest Couple Ever!
Dance Pe Chance Ka Scene Bhi Hai Bro!
Dulhan Ka Bhi Tau Haq Banta Hai Enjoyment Ka!
Here Comes The “Dulhe Raja” In The Most Traditional Look. Sorry Girls!
And Here Comes The Family Photo!
We wish Muneeb and Aiman a happy life ahead! Stay blessed!