Singer Abdullah Qureshi Apologizes After Harassment Allegations & Leaked Chat Go Viral!

Abdullah Qureshi Harassment apologizes

Somebody recently said, “I am one Atif Aslam expose away from losing faith in humanity,” and we could not agree more. Being a well-known personality has its own perks but how the person carries it is what matters the most. Popular singer Abdullah Qureshi recently came under fire when several women accused him of harassment and now he apologizes.

The activist Zara Haider is compiling reports of sexual harassment by Abdullah Qureshi on her Instagram as he apologizes. Opening up to the activist, an anonymous lady shared how Qureshi harassed her 18-year-old sister as he slid into her Insta DMs. She also sent her the screenshots of the conversation.

Image: Instagram

The singer took to Instagram stories to cross-share an apology made public by the activist. He apologized for what seemed like accepting his problematic past behavior.

“I apologize to everyone for all this. I won’t blame my drunken state because it was me at the end of the day. But yes, I did have a drinking problem and I do have fetishes. But everyone has fetishes.”

He went on to clarify that he stopped messaging random girls when he had his daughter. “I apologize to her for being the worst dad.”

‘I am a changed man’

Qureshi said he had discussed all of this with his wife a year ago and the matter was resolved between them. “We are happy and I’m a changed man.” The Daastan singer requested that anything related to ‘this’ be removed since it has negatively affected his career and probably will affect his daughter.

Image: Instagram

An hour after Qureshi apologized on social media, the activist published screenshots of a woman calling her apology “performative”. She claimed a week ago Qureshi messaged her sister.

Here are the screenshots of the alleged conversation

Image: Instagram

‘Playing the daughter card’

Image: Instagram

Xulfi also comes under fire

Zulfiqar Jabbar Khan, also known as Xulfi, has also been accused of sending inappropriate messages and sexual harassment by a girl. An anonymous lady claimed to Zara Haider that the Aasmaan singer is a ‘predator’.

Image: Instagram

According to her, he messaged girls at the wee hours of the night when he operated Nescafe Basement. However, girls remained quiet since it could affect their careers. Haider received a message from Khan clarifying his stance on the matter. He categorically denied the allegations being true.

Many renowned names have been caught in the infamous #MeToo stance. Starting from the singer and actor Ali Zafar being accused, later the famous YouTuber Ukhano, the list does not seem to stop. Just last week, several women reportedly accused the Lahore-based musician Salar Shamas of sexual misconduct on social media.

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