Some Interesting Facts About National Bird of Pakistan

National Bird of Pakistan

People used to ask the name of the national bird of Pakistan and we all have said, Moor. Students have been confused throughout their entire childhood to figure out the right answer.

Because at first, it was Moor, but later it got changed and now it’s official Chukar is the national bird of Pakistan.

Every country has its national bird with some interesting facts that people love to know. That’s what we are going to share with you, some facts about the national bird of Pakistan.

The national bird of Pakistan Chukar is closely related to and similar to its Western equivalent, the Red-legged Partridge, Alectoris Rufa.

Its habitat ranges are Pakistan, Kashmir, India, and Afghanistan. You won’t find Chukar in wet weather or sandy season. Chukar prefers rocky, steep, and open hillsides.

For hunters out there, it’s always been challenging for them to hunt down Chukar. Because of its surgical upward flights and sudden disappearances in the bushes.

You can see it’s not just an ordinary bird and that’s the reason we have gathered some interesting facts about the national bird of Pakistan Chukar.

Facts About National Bird of Pakistan – Chukar

Chukar Partridge - Some Facts about the National Bird of Pakistan – Startup  Pakistan

Before heading to the facts and other stuff. Let’s get to Chukar’s appearance, Chukar is a medium-sized bird of the partridge family.

It has a plump body, short, round wings, and a short tail. The head is round with a short, strong beak and small eyes.

The legs are sturdy and well-adapted for running on rough or rocky terrain.

Generally reddish-brown, with dark brown stripes and bars on the back, wings, and tail. The head and neck are gray with a distinctive black band across the eyes. The breast and belly are white, and there is a black patch on the throat.

In detail, the native range of these birds in Asia includes Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, along the inner ranges of the western Himalayas to Nepal.

They also barely range into Africa on the Sinai Peninsula. Chukars inhabit rocky open hillsides with grass or scattered scrub or cultivated areas.

Chukar’s Habits & Lifestyle

A bird with a bird's head  Description automatically generated with low confidence

Unlike other birds, the national bird of Pakistan Chukar birds are social creatures that form flocks consisting of up to 50 birds in the wild. They are most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours when they forage for food.

Their diet consists of seeds, insects, fruits, and small plants.

The Chukar bird is monogamous, and pairs stay together for the duration of the breeding season. The breeding season usually starts in winter and ends in spring. During this time, males perform courtship displays by puffing up their chests, fanning out their tails, and making calls to attract females.

Interstingly, female Chukars lay around 8-20 eggs in a shallow nest scraped out of the soil. Incubation takes about three weeks, and both males and females help to tend to the eggs and chicks.

Chukar Bird’s Diet & Nutrition

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Coming to their diet and nutrition of the Chukar. Chukar birds are primarily granivorous, meaning they primarily eat seeds. Their diet consists of a variety of seeds, including those from wild buckwheat, cheatgrass, and alfalfa.

They also consume insects, such as grasshoppers, beetles, and ants. In captivity, they can be fed a diet of commercial game bird feed, supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables. It is important to provide them with fresh water at all times.

Here are some interesting facts about the Chukar Partridge:

  1. The Chukar Partridge is named after the Chukar or Chakor, a Hindi and Urdu word used to describe the bird’s call.
  2. The Chukar Partridge has a distinct color pattern, with a gray back, chestnut sides, and black and white stripes on the face and neck.
  3. The bird has been used for hunting and sport in Pakistan for centuries and is considered a delicacy in some parts of the country.
  4. Chukar Partridges can fly short distances but prefer to run and hide to avoid predators.
  5. Chukar Partridges are social birds and form flocks of up to 50 individuals during the winter months.
  6. The bird is also known for its ability to survive in harsh environments, including high altitudes and extreme temperatures.
  7. In ancient Indian and Persian literature, Chukar Partridges were considered symbols of love and loyalty.
  8. The Chukar Partridge is also the state bird of Utah in the United States.
  9. The Chukar Partridge is an important part of the ecosystem in the areas where it lives, as it helps to control insect populations and disperses seeds through its droppings.
  10. Despite being the national bird of Pakistan, the Chukar Partridge is not considered to be endangered, and its populations are stable.
  11. Chukars have been introduced into many other places as a game bird and feral populations have established themselves even in parts of North America and New Zealand.

These facts are fascinating about Chukar because no one thought that Chukar can be so unique in various ways.

Chukar isn’t the general bird that you can spot casually, they are the special ones and that’s the reason there are so many hidden facts about it.

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